LIFESTREAM (Circulatory System) Lifestream: A unique formulation from Chinese history that gives nutritional support to the circulatory and blood regulatory systems. Circulation is a central key to physical balance and harmony. All systems require blood circulation and transport of oxygen through this system. This formula feeds the circulatory and all related systems to improve the efficiency of this important task. The results is improvement in the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM, the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM, and many others. This formula regenerates the circulatory and cardiovascular systems helps he body regulate blood pressure, improves heart tone and strengthens the bowel and enhances cleansing of the intestinal system. It also cleanses the blood to reduce the level of free fat and cholesterol in the blood and may aid in improving eyesight. Blood circulation picks up the nutrients from the intestines, transports them to body tissues, carries off wastes, and cleans the blood. The heart acts as pump, with the veins and arteries as major pipelines, but the most important circulatory activity occurs in the capillaries. During the two seconds that blood flows through the capillaries, all of the critical exchanges between tissues and blood take place. This circulation formula appears to nourish the circulatory system, strengthening the pump, cleaning the pipelines, allowing the capillaries to become strong and flexible, well able to manage their critical exchanges. ********** Historically, this formula was used for: * Regulation of blood pressure * Strengthening of the capillary system and improvement of heart tone * Cleansing of the blood and reduced extraneous clotting * Improvement of eyesight and reduction of redness of the sclera * Reduction of the level of free fat and cholesterol in blood * Strengthening of the Nervous System