There are three basic principles to Regeneration: The body can heal itself only if it is provided with the right nutrition. The body has different nutritional needs for each part of the body. All of these parts need to be properly nourished in order for the body to heal itself. The Chinese taught that disease and hunger are really symptoms of the same thing: malnourishment. The body yields to disease, weight gain, or low energy when it does not receive the proper nourishment. The body is designed to obtain its nutrition from WHOLE FOODS. When our creator made the body, HE provided whole foods to nourish it. Whole foods have the proper cellular structure that allow the body to assimilate them and then use these food to repair, build or burn for energy. Many companies use ISOLATES. Because the cell structure of an isolate has been compromised, the body cannot easily assimilate and isolate. An example is the government "recommended daily allowances" of nutrients. In order to receive the R.D.A. of Vitamin A, you would have to eat a bushel of carrots EVERY DAY! Why is the R.D.A. so high? Because it is based solely on nutrients isolated from their whole. When we receive our nutrients in isolate form, we have to take large amounts to get the very small amount the body actually needs. Only whole foods have the SYNERGY necessary for nourishing the body. Each person must be willing to accept responsibility for his or her own health, says Dr. Tei Fu Chen (one of the leading herbalist and biochemist in America today). "Listen to your body and it will tell you what to do" Study, ponder, and then apply what you learn. Your body is the best monitor of any program or system. If you need to see a doctor, then go see him/her. But if it is nutrition you need to improve, then learn about WHOLE GRADE FOODS THAT NOURISH BODY SYSTEMS.