REGENERATIVE, NOT SUBSTITUTIVE The majority of people in need of answers to health problems look substitution: that is, they rely on the use of drugs or isolated chemicals as an alternative when they experience a health crisis. Substitution, however, merely controls the body's functions by introducing outside elements to treat the systems and ignore the underlying health problems. for example: if the immune system is weak, antibiotics are used; if the digestive system is weak, digestive enzymes are used, etc. These are simply substitutions. They have no regenerative value. Regeneration is an innate power of the body that strives toward order, balance and health, emphasizing that the body given the proper nutrition, can effectively deal with most health challenges. When the body is functioning properly because IT HAS CREATED THE REQUIRED ELEMENTS, A PERSON EXPERIENCES GOOD HEALTH. WHOLE FOODS -- NOT ISOLATES The body cannot sustain life with isolates, or parts of of foods which are not complete. The best source for obtaining required nutrients is whole foods because of their chemical composition. Everything in nature is made of various elements and chemicals which are combined within plants in a very unique way. The relationship that results from the unique combining of chemicals is called synergy. Since nutrients found in a synergistic relationship are most readily used by the body, the nutritional needs of the body are best met by whole foods which have a natural synergy. CONCENTRATED Knowledge obtained from the herbal manuscripts resulted in the concentration process, which is designed to avoid the loss of vital nutrients, eliminate contrary effects, an enhance desired effects. Through the concentration process, seven pounds of herbs are concentrated into one pound of herbal formula, providing much more nutrition per capsule then ordinary capsules. SYSTEM SPECIFIC Every herbal concentrate is system specific and will help nourish and strengthen a major area, with added benefits to related systems. There is a way to make learning the herbal concentrate for each body system easy. HISTORICALLY PROVEN The formulas for Regeneration have been successfully used for over 5,000 years.