SUNBREEZE BALM & OIL Sunbreeze: A soothing, penetrating balm to ease pain and promote healing of external injuries. The Sunbreeze oil and balm are based on a formula recorded in the herbal manuscripts of the Chinese emperors. The formula was originally developed by the temple priests to aid their recovery from injuries sustained while practicing extremely rigorous martial arts. Although a variety of therapeutic oils and balms are sold throughout Asia, Sunbreeze is the only legitimate descendant of the original formula. The historical uses depended in how the balm was applied. The Chinese would rub the surface of the balm gently with a circular motion. the balm would begin to liquefy, and a small ridge of balm would adhere ot the finger. With that amount of balm, the Chinese would then use one of the following applications to gain desired relief: APPLICATION METHOD # 1 Rub balm on the temples and on the back of the neck at the base of the skull. Reapply and massage deeply into any area of tenderness, used for: * Headache * Muscle Tension * Drowiness * Motion Sickness APPLICATION METHOD # 2 Rub balm on any other part of the body as needed. This method was used for: * Heartburn * Sinus Congestion * Strains, Pulls * Toothache * Upset Stomach * Insect bits * Canker Sores * Cuts/Minor Wounds * Muscle Pain * Back Pain * Sore Throat * Rheumatism * Arthritis APPLICATION METHOD # 3 Place ridge of balm on the palm of the hand. Mix with shampoo and wash hair normally, protecting the eyes. This method is used for: * Headache * Muscle Tension * Itchy Scalp * Drowsiness APPLICATION METHOD # 4 Placement of balm on the tongue. This method is used for: * Motion Sickness * Sinus Congestion * Upset Stomach * Heartburn * Drowsiness SUNBREEZE The Ingredients and Their Effects Menthol, camphor (2-5%), Cassia oil, plus other oils as fragrance. These ingredients and the energy of your body determine whether the effect is that of WARMTH (the Sun) or COOLNESS (the breeze.) Either effect is less intense with the oil then with the balm. Made from 100% pure essential oils of flowers and herbs, only small mounts of oil may be obtained from many of the ingredients. As a result, it takes over 200 pounds of herbs to extract a single pint of the oil from which the balm is produced.