SUNCARE USA USAGES: As a facial skin care ORIENTAL & LATIN USAGES: HISTORICAL USES IN ORIENT AND LATIN AMERICA: * A tonic action that stimulates MENTAL ALERTNESS and COUNTERS FATIGUE * Facilitation of digestion and gastrointestinal functions. * Regulation of METABOLIC FUNCTIONS and DIURETIC EFFECTS as aid to weight loss. * Regulation of ARTERIAL PRESSURE History of Suncare Redmond Clay Remond Clay has been used for years to soften the skin while drawing excess oil and toxins from the skin. Some physicians have claimed that this clay is the only remedy know to heal Fiddle-Back Spider bits. Others use this clay for treatment of burns and varicose ulcers. Doctors have reported successfully using the clay on acne and rashes resulting from body toxin elimination through the skin. Wet packs of clay applied to boils have facilitated bring the boils to a head.