*** CLMREAD.TXT *** Installation and release notes for ClipMate for Windows v 1.03 (1/7/91) Initial Release on 12/23/91 Inventory: ---------- CLIPMATE.EXE The executable program - requires Windows 3.x CLIPMATE.HLP Help file. CLMICONS.DLL Dynamic Link Libary to support the iconbar. CLMREAD.TXT README file with installation notes. CLMREG.TXT Registration form. CLMHYPE.TXT Short product desription, suitable for BBS description. Installation Notes: ------------------- To install ClipMate, just copy all of the Distribution Files to the directory of your choice. It doesn't need to be in the path, and there are no funny environment variables to set. For the lack of anything better, create \windows\clipmate, and put the files there. Create an icon in the program manager with a Command Line that points to ClipMate. For example: C:\windows\clipmate\clipmate.exe Effect on Your System: ---------------------- The first time that you run ClipMate, it will create \windows\clipmate.ini. WIN.INI is NOT altered in any way, nor are any of your other system files. See CLIPMATE.INI in the on-line help. ClipMate will create and save the clipboard data into DEFAULT.CLM, or another .CLM file that you specify. System Requirements: -------------------- ClipMate requires a VGA or better display (monchrome vga is ok). It will run in Real mode, but Standard is preferred, Enhanced mode is best. Bug Reports: ------------ Please send any bug reports, along with a description of your system (hardware and software) to CompuServ id: 70743,2546 or Chris Thornton PO Box 26263 Rochester, NY 14626 Known Problems: -------------- Norton Desktop for Windows and Turbo Pascal for Windows have a compatibility problem. Until the vendors hash this out, ClipMate won't run under Norton Desktop. Revision History: ----------------- v1.07 (1/07/91) Fixed problem with Concatenate: Bug in Windows causes negative values to sometimes be returned for MAXAVAIL, which checks to see if there is enough contiguous free memory to complete the concatenation. Negative values are now ignored. v1.06 (1/06/91) Fixed RunTime error 204 - occurred when editing Magnification Window, in the event that the user deletes the item that is being edited. v1.01 (1/02/91) Minor bug fixes: Problem with memory allocation. Problem switching to an empty list - contents of other list were shown. v1.0 (12/23/91) is the initial release .CLM files created with versions prior to 0.84 beta are invalid, and should be discarded. You beta-testers know who you are!