PAPERS! v1.00 The Random Wallpaper selection program Copyright (c) 1992, Paragon Consulting Group DISCLAIMER: Every possible precaution has been taken to insure that PAPERS! will operate without causing harm to your computer, however, Paragon Consulting Group and its employees are not responsible for any damage directly or indirectly caused by this program, to the hardware, software or emotional condition of the user. FREEWARE: With that out of the way, on with the program itself. PAPERS! is FREEWARE! This means that you may keep and distribute it with no cost to you or the people/places you distribute it to. However, I would ask that when distributing the PAPERS! archive you include this document with it. ABOUT: PAPERS! is a DOS based program meant to be run just before invoking Windows 3.x. When invoked, it will read its configuration file (discussed later), modify the WIN.INI file setting the Wallpaper to a randomly chosen Wallpaper file (from a list of your choice), and exit. I wrote PAPERS! because I have a small set of Wallpapers which I like to use, but get tired of manually changing them every time I would like to see something different. I wanted something that would cause windows to randomly select a Wallpaper from a list of my choice. I decided that modifying the WIN.INI file just before starting Windows was the best way of achieving this goal. SETUP: Setup is relatively simple. You need three things: 1) A DOS environment variable pointing to the path where you have WIN.INI and PAPERS!.CFG. 2) The PAPERS!.CFG file. 3) PAPERS!.EXE PAPERS v1.00 - Copyright (c) 1992, Paragon Consulting Group Page: 2 I will now discuss each of these requirements in turn: ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE: In order for PAPERS! to find the various resources it needs, you must have a DOS environment variable called PAPERS! defined before running PAPERS!. The easiest way to make this happen is to place the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT: set PAPERS!=c:\windows Note that you would set it to the path where you have your WIN.INI and PAPERS!.CFG file. These two files must be in the same directory. Since the WIN.INI file is normally kept in the \WINDOWS directory, it's easiest to copy the PAPERS!.CFG file to that directory, setting the environment variable appropriately. For instance, if you have Windows installed in D:\WIN31 then you would place this line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT: set PAPERS!=d:\win31 and copy PAPERS!.CFG there. Note that PAPERS!.EXE can reside anywhere, but should be somewhere in your PATH for ease of use. PAPERS!.CFG FILE: The PAPERS!.CFG file is a simple text file containing the full paths to (up to 100) Wallpaper files. An example PAPERS!.CFG file might look like this: d:\win31\cars.bmp d:\win31\chitz.bmp d:\win31\egypt.bmp d:\win31\party.bmp You may use any editor which creates straight ASCII files to create your PAPERS!.CFG file. Blank lines are ignored, but other than that the format is rigid. Each line MUST be the full path to a Wallpaper file. Note that PAPERS! will not complain if the line is bad, but Windows will when it tries to use it to find the Wallpaper file. Again, make sure you place this file in the path specified by your PAPERS! environment variable. PAPERS!.EXE FILE: This is the program which does the work. How does it work? Pretty simple actually. Upon starting PAPERS!, the program looks for its configuration file, and if it finds it reads in up to 100 lines from it. Keeping track of how many paths it read, PAPERS! then creates a random number in the range 0 to PATHS_READ. It then uses this random number to grab the nth Wallpaper path. Next, it parses the WIN.INI file looking for the 'Wallpaper=' variable. If PAPERS! finds it, it will substitute the random Wallpaper path for the current setting. It's that simple. PAPERS v1.00 - Copyright (c) 1992, Paragon Consulting Group Page: 3 Since it would be irritating to start PAPERS! manually each time you ran Windows, I created a batch file that looks like this (call it what you like): papers! win %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 Now, if you decide to call the batch file 'WIND.BAT', when you ran WIND.BAT, papers would run first, changing the Wallpaper to a random selection, then Windows would run and read the new Wallpaper path from the WIN.INI file which PAPERS! just modified. THERE'S ONE CATCH: PAPERS! does not change the TileWallPaper setting, so it remains whatever you have it set to. All the Wallpapers I use are GIF's which are the same size as the desktop, so I always have TileWallPaper off. If there is interest in being able to change the TileWallPaper setting based on which Wallpaper is selected, I will add it. THAT'S IT!: That's all there to it. I hope you get some enjoyment out of this program. Please report any bugs/additions to me at one of the following places: Snail-Mail: Ron Cox C/O Paragon Consulting Group 4212 West Cactus Road STE 1110-229 Phoenix, AZ 85029 (602) 437-9566 Electronic Mail: Ron Cox Paragon BBS (602) 938-8288 Ron Cox Chandler C Connection (602) 759-7789