QUAKERS IN PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY ``The delicate network of Quaker heredity now covers our entire country and holds in its silken meshes many millions of present-day Americans,'' wrote William Wade Hinshaw in 1938. ``And it is interesting to find on examination of the ancestral chart of almost any great American of today or yesterday, that he has one or more strains of Quaker ancestry.'' And it is Mr. Hinshaw's incredible books make tracing those strains easier. A second volume of his Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy series has just been reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Company, and the statistics are impressive. The 1,126-page paperback, covering major Pennsylvania and New Jersey Quaker meetings, has records of more than 3,900 different surnames (no effort has been made to even estimate the number of individuals cited, but it must be in the many tens of thousands). No lightweight volume, this; even as a softcover, it weighs in at nearly five and a half pounds! Pennsylvania and New Jersey were centers for sizable Quaker groups, and this volume covers Salem and Burlington, N.J., meetings and the large Philadelphia meeting as well as Falls, both in Pennsylvania. Records start in the 1670's and run into the 1930's and include births, marriages, and deaths, as well as the minutes of meetings. Included are records of the comings and goings of families via the ``certificates of removal and admission'' that make tracing Quakers across the country fairly easy (if you have access to books like this or meeting records). Encyclopedia of American Quaker Genealogy should be showing up in better libraries or may be purchased at $75 plus $2.50 postage and handling from Genealogical Publishing Company, Dept. SM, 1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md., 21202-3897. The first volume in the series, covering North Carolina, and parts of Virginia, South Carolina, and Tennessee, was reprinted in January and is available at the same price. --J.F.S. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ This file is from The Source of Magic, Ridgefield CT ³ ³ 203-431-4687, source for genealogy, radio, & Windows ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ