Book Review: Two on Scotland by Jack Sanders 25 Feb 1990 ------------------------------------------------ Ah, lads and lassies, if it's Scotland your ancestors be from, two new books by David Moody may help you track down -- and understand -- your roots. Mr. Moody, assistant librarian with the East Lothian District Libraries, is an acknowledged expert in Scottish local history. In ``Scottish Family History,'' he suggests that researchers look beyond simple relationships and seek out information about all aspects of a family's life. The book is not only a guide on how to uncover a wide variety of information, it is also a history of how Scottish family life changed from the times of the clans to today. The book explains how to get started with a more expansive family history -- sources, techniques, how to reconstruct family life from available information, employment (including the military), immigration trends, names, genealogy itself, and groups to help with research and study. More than 30 pages of sources and references, plus a good index, are also provided in this 218 page hardbound volume. ``Scottish Family History'' would be of interest to anyone wishing more than a superficial picture of his or her roots in Scotland, as well as anyone wanting to look into Scottish life in general. In fact, it could be a general guide to how to view family history for almost any nationality. ``Scottish Local History,'' Mr. Moody's other book, is valuable for its source information. The first published guide devoted solely to Scottish local history, it has two chapters describing records available in government offices, churches, and libraries -- these may be the most valuable parts of the book to the genealogist. Other chapters deal with ways of studying towns and how to publish your results (which may be of interest to anyone planning some genealogical publishing). Both books were first published in Scotland (family in 1988, local in 1986), and thus assume you know your ties to Scotland already. If your library hasn't picked them up, both books are available for $19.95 each ($2.50 postage and handling for one, $3.50 for both) from Genealogical Publishing Company, Dept. SM, 1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md., 21202-3897. --J.F.S. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ This file appears on The Source of Magic BBS, Ridgefield CT ³ ³ 203-431-4687, specializing in genealogy, radio, and writing. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ