TORREY SUPPLEMENT One of the most basic texts consulted by anyone searching early New England roots is Clarence Almon Torrey's ``New England Marriages Prior to 1770,'' a 1,000 page index that is said to cover 99% of the married couples in New England during the 1600s. It is a work on which Torrey spent 40 years and which has served as a starting point for many a genealogical investigation. But, of course, it was not perfect. Enter Melinde Lutz Sandborn, who has delved into records that have appeared within the last 30 years to shed new light on marriages covered -- or missed -- by Torrey. Much of the new information contained in her ``Supplement to Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700'' involves the surnames of brides -- names not found in the records Torrey had available to him. The two main sources of additional information are English records of the marriages of colonial immigrants, data that was not readily available when Mr. Torrey was compiling his index, and marriages from the 1690's -- records which Ms. Sandborn says ``suffered from a lack of interest'' by researchers. The result is some 600 new entries -- corrections, new discoveries, significant new biographical detail, or delitions of information. It could be of particular interest to those who are at a dead-end with the wife's side of a marriage. Of course, each entry offers the source -- and many these sources are such that they could fill in a great deal of earlier and/or later information on lines. Anyone who employs Torrey must now also check Sandborn. It is to be hoped that all decent genealogical libraries will pick up this title. If yours doesn't have it, the book is inexpensive enough: $12.50 for the 80-page clothbound edition (plus $2.50 postage and handling) from Genealogical Publishing Company, Dept. SM, 1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md., 21202-3897 (1-800-727-6687). Perhaps you could donate a copy to keep your library's Torrey as complete as possible. Mr. Torrey's book, incidentally, is still available, in its third printing (1990) at $50 from the same publisher.--J.F.S. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ This file is from The Source of Magic, Ridgefield CT ³ ³ 203-431-4687, source for genealogy, radio, & Windows ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ