------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENEALOGICAL CHARTS AND FORMS The following genealogical charts and forms, used in the National Genealogical Society's home study course, American Genealogy: A Basic Course, are available by mail in packages of 100 for $6.50 postpaid. * Four-generation pedigree chart * Family group Sheet (75 page 1; 25 page 2) * Research calendar * Will abstract form * Deed abstract form * Combination package: 10 pedigree charts; 20 family group sheets, page 1; 10 family group sheets, page 2; 20 research calendars; 20 will abstract forms, 20 deed abstract forms Samples of the above forms are available for $1.00 postpaid. Research Aids NGS Research Aid No. 1, Genealogical Calendar, 1753-2000 This research aid includes the calendar for each year beginning with 1753, enablig you to quickly find the day of the week for any given date or the date for any given day in a week. Punched for three-ring binder; iv, 14 pp.; $3.50 postpaid. NGS Research Aid No. 2, Instructions for Beginners in Genealogy This research aid tells begining genealogists how to get started, how to keep records and how to find and use both published and original sources. It includes a glossary, lists of books that may be helpful and addresses of major genealogical libraries and book services. Punched for three-ring bind; ii., 62 pp.; $8.00 postpaid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NGS/CIG BBS] ORDER FORM No. Item Amount No. Item Amount ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------- _____ Pedigree Charts ______ _____ Combination package ______ _____ Family Group Sheets ______ _____ Forms samples ______ _____ Research Caledars ______ _____ Research Aid No. 1 ______ _____ Will Abstract Forms ______ _____ Research Aid No. 2 ______ _____ Deed Abstract Forms ______ Name ____________________________________________ Subtotal _______ Address _________________________________________ VA residents add 4% sales tax _______ _________________________________________ City __________________ State _____ ZIP _________ Total _______ Mail to: Education Division, NGS, 4527 17th Street North, Arlington, VA 22207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------