National Genealogical Society Glebe House 4527 Seventeenth Street North [Just off Glebe Road] Arlington, VA 22207-2399 (703) 525-0050 The National Genealogical Society was founded in 1903 and incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 1904 to promote nationwide interest in scholarly genealogical research. The Society provides educational resources to help members accomplish accurate and thorough genealogical research, stressing careful documentation and ethical standards. Membership is open to all individuals and institutions who are willing to promote the objectives of the Society and upon written application and payment of the prescribed dues. NGS Headquarters Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. NGS Library Hours: Monday and Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES: Our library maintains a collection of family histories and genealogies, local histories, transcribed source materials, reference works, periodicals, Bible records, and manuscripts. It is open free to members on most Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. The resources of the library are available by mail to members who cannot use it in person. Through the Library Loan Service members with U.S. addresses may borrow books by mail. Through the Research Service members may request searches, by a staff of volunteers, of all the holdings of the library, many of which are not available through the Library Loan Service. Participation in these two special library services requires payment of registration fees and small service fees for each request. EDUCATION SERVICES: Our home study course, "American Genealogy: A Basic Course," offered by mail, is designed both for beginners and for experienced researchers who wish to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Lessons cover use of the major groups of genealogical source records; extracting, documenting, interpreting, and evaluating genealogical evidence; and organizing and maintaining family records. A series of research aids and a number of genealogical charts and forms are available for purchase. Other education services include programs for teachers of genealogy and a series of monthly lectures on genealogical subjects at the National Archives, from September through April. These are taped and available for loan to members. The Society cosponsors the National Institute on Genealogical Research held each summer at the National Archives and the recently inaugurated a Middle Atlantic Genealogy and History Institute at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia. PUBLICATIONS: Members receive the "National Genealogical Society Quarterly," which publishes scholarly papers on genealogical subjects, previously unpublished source materials, and critical book reviews. All back issues of the Quarterly, published since 1912, are now available for purchase on microfiche. The bimonthly NGS Newsletter, also mailed to members, features news of the Society and the genealogical community, articles on genealogical sources and repositories, library acquisitions, and members' queries. Our special publications of genealogical source materials and research aids are available to members at a discount. In addition to its own publications, the Society sells selected genealogical reference works of other publishers as a service to members. SERVICES TO GENEALOGY: As the national genealogical membership organization, the Society serves as a focal point for genealogical activities at the national level. Our annual conference, the major genealogical meeting in the United States, features sessions for those engaged in various aspects of the profession as well as lectures of interest to all family history researchers. Other activities include sponsorship of the National Genealogy Hall of Fame, to honor persons of the past who made significant contributions to the field of genealogy in the United States; the NGS Computer Interest Group, a national forum for those interested in computer techniques to support genealogical activities; the NGS Youth Award in Honor of Milton Rubincam, to encourage the participation of young people in genealogy; the NGS Genealogical Newsletter Competition, to recognize the publication of quality newsletters by genealogical societies; and an active liaison with the National Archives and other federal agencies and research facilities in the Nation's Capital MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Annual Membership Categories: Annual, $30 Spouse, $10 (provides all privileges except the periodicals) Institutional, $25 (Libraries, Societies and other organizations) Contributing, $50 Sustaining, $100 Permanent Membership Categories: Benefactor, $5,000 or more Patron, $1,000 to $4,999 Life, $500 payable in one payment or four payments of $135 within the same year Memberships begin the month following the receipt of your application. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Source of Magic BBS CT] APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please enroll me as a member of the National Genealogical Society. I enclose a check for $ ____________ for the following class of membership _______________. Optional: I also enclose $15 for the Library Loan Service registration fee, and another $10 for the United Parcel Service Deposit. Total amount enclosed $___________ Date: ____________________________ Signature: ______________________________ PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE Name: ____________________________________ Have you been a member before? ____ Address: _________________________________ Telephone number __________________ _ _ __________________________________________ Able to volunteer? Yes |_| No |_| (City, State, Zip) Name to be used on Membership Certificate: _____________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------