--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disk No Title: The Stock Trader Version 7.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Stock Trader is a menu driven program tracking stock performance and generating buy and sell signals according to the technical market indicators, placed in the program by the user, for each stock. The program generates a high quality 100 day graph with recommendations for trading the stock, futures, or mutual fund equity. There are 3 stocks at the start for demo purposes. Stocks may be added, deleted, updated and graphed. Version 7.0 adds an entirely new feature - a stock importing module. This can import stock quotes from Compuserve, Prodigy, and any quotes service that supplies the user with and ASCII file. Registration activates the Stock Portfolio Manager. ------------ The Stock Trader ------------------------------------------- FILES DESCRIPTION AUTOLOAD EXE Import quotes program AUTOLOAD DAT Capture mask data file BROWSE COM Utility program for reading text files BRT71EFR EXE Runtime module CONVERT EXE Stock data file conversion program DEFAULT EXE Printer default setting program DEFAULT DAT " " data file FILES TXT The file your now reading FOLIO EXE Stock portfolio Manager FOLIO DAT Data file for above GRAPHICS EXE Archived GRAPHICS.COM public domain programs GO EXE Executable installation program INFO BAT Information BAT file for the Stock Trader NOTES TXT Notes file for the Stock Trader QUOTES TXT Sample data file READ ME Additional documentation for the Stock Trader README SIF Special shareware instruction file SPLIT EXE Stock splitting program STOCKDAT EXE Archived main data file STOCK DOC Stock trader Manual STOCK HDR Stock header data file STOCK IDX Stock data file index STOCK EXE Introduction program STOCKEDT EXE Stock editing program STOCK7 EXE Main program STOCKPRT EXE Stock printing program STOCK IDX Stock data file index FreeBooter(tm) Software P.O. Box 19624 Portland, OR 97219 (503) 244-4800 Compuserve 70214,3352 Copyright 1987-1992 FreeBooter(tm) Software