The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 102 March 8, 1993 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, ARRL DX Bulletin, DXCC, JH1FDP, IK5AAX, KA1WWP, KD1F & Radio Central ARC, KE2LJ, WB3JFS, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, N8ATR, K8CH, K8JP and KC8MK for the following DX information. 1S, SPRATLY ISLAND. There is a rumor circulating, just before going to press, that suggests the big Spralty operation may be off. The reported reason is that the League will not accept the use of the 9M prefix in the disputed territory (their planned call was to be 9M0S). As of yet, this report is unsubstantiated and no mention of it was made in the current ARRL DX Bulletin. Tim (KJ4VH) spoke with Bill (AA6TT), one of the operators on the upcoming Spratly trip and he stated in no uncertain terms, that the Spratly operation has been "pre-approved" by the League and unless something has changed VERY recently, all should be GO...." 3Y, BOUVET ISLAND. A few weeks ago, OPDX reported a rumor that mentioned a Russian explorer, Fedor Konyukhov, would be traveling to a few islands one of them being Bouvet. According to the ARRL DX Bulletin, there seems to be some truth to the rumor. A Norwegian PTT worker, LA2QM, reported that Fedor does have a valid license and permission to land on Bouvet. As mentioned early, the operation is slated for April/May, with the callsign of 3Y/R0L. Landing on this island may be a hazardous task considering that it will be in the middle of the Antarctic winter season. 6O, SOMALI. Nick (G3KOX) has been very active on CW especially on the WARC bands signing 6O/G3KOX. He has been very regular on 30 meters starting around 2000z. On 12 and 17 meters, check around 1330z. FR/T, TROMELIN. There is a rumor circulating that FR5ZU will be active for 15 days sometime in April. FW AND T2, WALLIS & FUTUNA ISLAND AND TUVALU. JF1WQC will be active from these two islands in late March. Look for T20WQ March 20th to 23rd and FW/JF1WQC March 24th to 31st. Operation will be all bands (including the WARC bands) on CW/SSB/FM. QSL via JF1WQC. KH5K AND KH5, KINGMAN REEF AND PALMYRA ISLAND (UPDATE). By the time you read this N9NS/KH5K will be up and operating. The Pacific area is still experiencing higher than normal waves (much like what the AH1A group experienced). Supposedly one group left Honolulu the evening of March 3rd or the morning of the 4th. The remainder of the group will wait for the second boat (the "Machias", AH1A boat) to arrive in port. While waiting the group has tried to extend vacations, re-arrange return flights and test gear and antennas. Mike (N9NS) has stated, "Things have changed several times while trying to work out optional arrangements." There were a few N9NS/KH5K spots reported on the Ohio/Penn Network, March 5th on 15 meters CW, but it was likely the work of a SLIM. The beam heading was reportedly North from the U.S. TI9, COCOS ISLAND. Jose (TI2JJP) mentioned that a group and himself will activate this island the first week of April. There will be more information published as it becomes available. QSL via TI2AOC. Jose also mentioned that the QSLs for the November 1992 DXpedition are coming out. He sent 550 QSLs out the last week of February. Since he plans to send more cards out, Jose stresses to wait one more week for them to come in the mail. If you have not received anything in a couple of weeks, let him know if you hear him on the air. Usually he can be found on 3796 kHz beginning around 0300z. V6, MICRONESIA. Mary Fox (V63MF) will be on Woleai Atoll (IOTA OC-132) for the next 2 years. She enjoyed a career in education in Long Island, New York, but currently she is a new Peace Corps volunteer doing teacher training on Woleai under the auspices of the Yap State Dept. of Education and the University of Guam. Her equipment is a TS450 using a G5RV antenna. Mary went from no license to Extra in under 90 days. She has been active on the IOTA Pacific Net weekends around 2000z on 21260 kHz. Mary is being sponsored by the Radio Central ARC from Long Island, New York. QSL to KD1F. SATELLITE ACTIVITY. The following were reported by Sergio (IK5AAX): 9M2FL 145942/0905z, A22BW 145910/1714z, FR5DN 145912/1641z, N8GHU/HH5 JG1RMB/JD1 (Minami Torishima) 145927/1514z, 145885/2253z, XX9AJ 145909/1444z and YB1CS 145805/1544z. DXCC RULE CHANGE. The next edition of the DXCC Rules will have a change under SECTION I. 1) (k) "Satellite: Contacts must be made using satellites since March 1, 1965. Confirmations must indicate satellite QSO." The phrase, "since split frequency (eg 145/432) indication is not sufficient", will be deleted. DXCC BACKLOG UPDATE. In a DXCC News Release dated March 2, 1993, the DXCC Desk announced that the backlog of unprocessed applications at the end of February was 1,686 (132,619 QSLs), compared to 2,460 (172,154 QSLs) at the end of January. Applications being sent out at the end of February were received 14 to 21 weeks (3.3 to 4.9 months) earlier. CHANGES IN FIELD CHECKING OF CARDS. The ARRL DXCC Field Representatives were notified of a few changes in checking of QSL cards. All former Soviet Republics have been removed from the Field Reps checking list. These are all of the former "U" prefixes. The reason is all the republics have undergone at least two major callsign revisions and are expected to under go another major revision within the year. The good news is that they have added new countries to the Field Reps check list. The Reps can now check cards from: Malawi (7Q), Crozet Island (FT8W), Kerguelen Islands (FT8X), Amsterdam & St. Paul Islands (FT8Z), Banaba Island (T33), Mellish Reef (VK9M), South Georgia Island (VP8, LU), South Orkney Islands (VP8, LU), South Sandwich Islands (VP8, LU), Andaman & Nicobar Islands (VU), Laccadive Islands (VU), Niue (ZK2) and Prince Edward & Marion Islands (ZS8). Field checking is still limited to first time DXCC applicant, but an expansion later this year will be for any new DXCC award. An expansion for endorsements may happen next year. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and operates only Class 2 Fax. Use only the dates and times specified. The FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA