/-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-\ +-----\ /-----+ +----\ Phobias v2.0 /----+ +---\ November 1991, Acumen Software /---+ +--\ by: Adrian B. Danieli /--+ +-> 404 Stone Church Road <-+ +--/ Tiverton, RI 02878 \--+ +---/ -=-= Shareware fee: $2 =-=- \---+ +----/ (Please give this program to a friend) \----+ +-----/ \-----+ \-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-/ /------------------------+----------------------------------------------------\ + Phobia name + Definition + \------------------------+----------------------------------------------------/ ACAROPHOBIA Fear of skin infestation by mites and ticks ACEROPHOBIA Fear of sourness ACHLUOPHOBIA Fear of darkness (also NYCTOPHOBIA) ACOUSTICOPHOBIA Fear of noise ACROPHOBIA Fear of heights AEROPHOBIA Fear of flying; fear of drafts or fresh air AGORAPHOBIA Fear of open spaces AICHOMOPHOBIA Fear of pointed objects (also AICHUROPHOBIA) AILUROPHOBIA Fear of cats (also AELUROPHOBIA, ELUROPHOBIA, & GATOPHOBIA) ALBUMINUROPHOBIA Fear of albumin in one's urine as a sign of kidney disease ALEKTOROPHOBIA Fear of chickens ALGOPHOBIA Fear of pain (also ODYNOPHOBIA, ODYNEPHOBIA) AMATHOPHOBIA Fear of dust AMAXOPHOBIA Fear of being in or riding in vehicles (also OCHLOPHOBIA) AMYCHOPHOBIA Fear of being scratched ANDROPHOBIA Fear of men; hatred of men ANEMOPHOBIA Fear of drafts or winds ANGINAPHOBIA Fear of narrowness ANGINOPHOBIA Fear of sore throats ANGLOPHOBIA Fear or hatred of England and English things ANTHOPHOBIA Fear of flowers ANTHROPHOBIA Fear of people (also ANTHROPOPHOBIA) ANTLOPHOBIA Fear of floods ANUPTAPHOBIA Fear of remaining single APEIROPHOBIA Fear of infinity APHEPHOBIA Fear of touching or being touched (also HAPHEPHOBIA,HAPTEPHOBIA) APIPHOBIA Fear of bees ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth ARACHNEPHOBIA Fear of spiders (also ARACHNOPHOBIA) ASTHENOPHOBIA Fear of weakness ASTRAPHOBIA Fear of being struck by lightning (also CERAUNOPHOBIA,KERAUNOPHOBIA) ASTROPHOBIA Fear of the stars ATAXIOPHOBIA Fear of disorder (also ATAXOPHOBIA) ATELOPHOBIA Fear of imperfection ATEPHOBIA Fear of ruin AULOPHOBIA Fear of flutes AUROPHOBIA Fear/dislike of gold AURORAPHOBIA Fear of auroral lights AUTOMYSOPHOBIA Fear of dirtying oneself AUTOPHOBIA Fear of being by oneself (also EREMIOPHOBIA, EREMOPHOBIA, MONOPHOBIA) BACILLOPHOBIA Fear of germs (also BACTERIOPHOBIA, MICROBIOPHOBIA, BACILLIPHOBIA) BALLISTOPHOBIA Fear of missiles BAROPHOBIA Fear of gravity BASIPHOBIA Fear of walking BATHOPHOBIA Fear of depth BATRACHOPHOBIA Fear of frogs and toads BELONEPHOBIA Fear of pins and needles (also BELONOPHOBIA) BIBLIOPHOBIA Fear of books BLENNOPHOBIA Fear of slime BOGYPHOBIA Fear of demons and goblins BOTANOPHOBIA Fear of plants and flowers BROMIDROSIPHOBIA Fear of having an unpleasant body odor BRONTOPHOBIA Fear of thunder and thunderstorms CAINOPHOBIA Fear of novelty (also CAINOTOPHOBIA) CANCEROPHOBIA Fear of cancer (also CARCINOMATOPHOBIA) CARDIOPHOBIA Fear of heart disease CARNOPHOBIA Fear of meat CATHISOPHOBIA Fear of sitting down CATOPTROPHOBIA Fear of mirrors CELTOPHOBIA Fear or dislikes of Celts CENOPHOBIA Fear of open spaces (also KENOPHOBIA) CERAUNOPHOBIA Fear of being struck by lightning CHAETOPHOBIA Fear of hair CHEROPHOBIA Fear of gaiety CHIONOPHOBIA Fear of snow CHOLEROPHOBIA Fear of cholera CHREMATOPHOBIA Fear of money and wealth (also CHROMETOPHOBIA) CHROMOPHOBIA Fear of colors CHRONOPHOBIA Abnormal discomfort concerning time CIBOPHOBIA Fear of food (also SITOPHOBIA, SITIOPHOBIA) CLAUSTROPHOBIA Fear of being in closed or narrow places CLEPTOPHOBIA Fear of stealing CLIMACOPHOBIA Fear of falling down stairs CLINOPHOBIA Fear of going to bed CNIDOPHOBIA Fear of strings COITOPHOBIA Fear of sexual intercourse (also CYPRIDOPHOBIA, GENOPHOBIA) COMETOPHOBIA Fear of comets COPROPHOBIA Fear of excrement CREMNOPHOBIA Fear of cliffs and precipices CREMOPHOBIA Fear of being alone CRYOPHOBIA Fear of ice or frost CRYSTALLOPHOBIA Fear of glass (also HYALOPHOBIA) CYMOPHOBIA Fear of sea swells CYNOPHOBIA Fear of dogs CYPRIDOPHOBIA Fear of venereal disease (also VENEREOPHOBIA) DEIPNOPHOBIA Fear of dining and dinner conversation DEMONOPHOBIA Fear of spirits DEMOPHOBIA Fear or dislike of crowds DENDROPHOBIA Fear of trees DERMATOPHOBIA Fear of skin DERMATOSIPHOBIA Fear of skin disease (also DERMATOPATHOPHOBIA) DIABETOPHOBIA Fear of diabetes DIDASKALEINOPHOBIA Fear of school (also SCHOLIONOPHOBIA) DIKEPHOBIA Fear of justice DINOPHOBIA Fear of whirlpools DIPLOPIAPHOBIA Fear of double vision DIPSOPHOBIA Fear of drinking DOMATOPHOBIA Fear of home DORAPHOBIA Fear of fur and animal skins DROMOPHOBIA Fear of crossing streets DYSMORPHOPHOBIA Fear of deformities ECCLESIAPHOBIA Fear of churches ECOPHOBIA Fear of home and home surroundings (also OECOPHOBIA, OIKOPHOBIA) EISOPTROPHOBIA Fear of termites (also ISOPTEROPHOBIA) ELECTROPHOBIA Fear of electricity ELEUTHROPHOBIA Fear of freedom EMETOPHOBIA Fear of vomiting ENTOMOPHOBIA Fear of insects EOSOPHOBIA Fear of dawn EREMIOPHOBIA Fear of being by oneself EREUTHOPHOBIA Fear of blushing ERGASIOPHOBIA Fear of work (also PONOPHOBIA) ERGOPHOBIA Hatred of work EROTOPHOBIA Fear of sexual feelings and the physical expression of them ERYTHROPHOBIA Fear of the color red; fear of blushing EUPHOBIA Fear of good news EUROTOPHOBIA Fear of female genitals FEBRIPHOBIA Fear of fever FELINOPHOBIA Fear of cats FRANCOPHOBIA Hatred of France and French things (also GALLOPHOBIA) FRIGOPHOBIA Fear of cold (also PSYCHROPHOBIA) GALEOPHOBIA Fear of cats GALLOPHOBIA Fear of France and French things GAMOPHOBIA Fear of marriage GATOPHOBIA Fear of cats GENIOPHOBIA Fear of chins GENOPHOBIA Fear of sexual intercourse GENUPHOBIA Fear of knees GEPHYROPHOBIA Fear of crossing bridges GERASCOPHOBIA Fear of growing old GERMANOPHOBIA Fear or hatred of Germany (also TEUTOPHOBIA, TEUTONOPHOBIA) GEUMOPHOBIA Fear of tastes or flavors (also GEUMATOPHOBIA) GLOSSOPHOBIA Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak GRAPHOPHOBIA Fear of writing GRINGOPHOBIA Fear or dislike of white strangers (in Spain and Latin America) GYMNOPHOBIA Fear of nudity GYNEPHOBIA Fear or hatred of women (also GYNOPHOBIA) HAGIOPHOBIA Fear of holy objects, holy people, and saints HAMARTOPHOBIA Fear of error or sin HAPHEPHOBIA Fear of being touched HARPAXOPHOBIA Fear of robbers HEDONOPHOBIA Fear of pleasure HELIOPHOBIA Fear of sunlight HELMINTHOPHOBIA Fear of becoming infested with worms HEMATOPHOBIA Fear of blood (also HEMOPHOBIA) HERPETOPHOBIA Fear of reptiles and amphibians HIEROPHOBIA Fear of sacred objects HIPPOPHOBIA Fear of horses HODOPHOBIA Fear of travel HOMICHLOPHOBIA Fear of fog HOMILOPHOBIA Fear of sermons HORMEPHOBIA Fear of shock HYALOPHOBIA Fear of glass HYDROPHOBIA Fear of water; fear of rabies HYGROPHOBIA Fear of liquids, especially wine or water HYLEPHOBIA Intense dislike of wood HYPENGYOPHOBIA Fear of responsibility (also HYPEGIAPHOBIA) HYPNOPHOBIA Fear of sleep HYPSIPPHOBIA Fear of high places (also HYPSOPHOBIA) IATROPHOBIA Fear of going to the doctor ICHTHYOPHOBIA Fear of fish IDEOPHOBIA Fear of ideas IOPHOBIA Fear of poisons JUDOPHOBIA Hatred of Jews and Jewish culture (also JUDEOPHOBIA) KAKORRHAPHIOPHOBIA Fear of failure or defeat (also KAKORRAPHIAPHOBIA) KATAGELOPHOBIA Fear of ridicule KATHISOPHOBIA Fear of sitting down KENOPHOBIA Fear of empty rooms KERAUNOPHOBIA Fear of thunder and lightning KINESOPHOBIA Fear of motion KLEPTOPHOBIA Fear of thieves (also CLEPTOPHOBIA) KOPOPHOBIA Fear of mental or physical examination LALIOPHOBIA Fear of speaking (also LALOPHOBIA) LEPROPHOBIA Fear of leprosy (also LEPRAPHOBIA) LEVOPHOBIA Fear of objects on the left side of the body LIMNOPHOBIA Fear of lakes LINONOPHOBIA Fear of string LOGOPHOBIA Fear of words LYSSOPHOBIA Fear of going insane (also MANIAPHOBIA) MAIEUSIOPHOBIA Fear of pregnancy MASTIGOPHOBIA Fear of flogging MECHANOPHOBIA Fear of machinery MELISSOPHOBIA Fear of bees MENINGITOPHOBIA Fear of meningitis MERINTHOPHOBIA Fear of being bound METALLOPHOBIA Fear of metals METEOROPHOBIA Fear of meteors and meteorites MICROPHOBIA Fear of germs (also SPERMOPHOBIA) MISOPHOBIA Fear of being contaminated by dirt (also MUSOPHOBIA, RHYPOPHOBIA) MOLYSOMOPHOBIA Fear of infection (also MYSOPHOBIA) MONOPATHOPHOBIA Fear of sickness in a specific part of the body MONOPHOBIA Fear of one thing or of being alone MOTORPHOBIA Fear of dislike of motor vehicles MUSICOPHOBIA Intense dislike of music MUSOPHOBIA Fear of mice MYSOPHOBIA Fear of infection MYTHOPHOBIA Fear of making false statements NEBULAPHOBIA Fear of clouds (also NEPHOPHOBIA) NECROPHOBIA Fear of corpses and the dead NEGROPHOBIA Fear or dislike of Negroes NEOPHOBIA Fear of newness, novelty NOCTIPHOBIA Fear of the night NOMATOPHOBIA Fear of names NOSEMAPHOBIA Fear of illness NOSOPHOBIA Fear of contracting disease (also PATHOPHOBIA) NUCLEOMITAPHOBIA Fear of death by nuclear weapons NUDOPHOBIA Fear of nakedness (also NUDIPHOBIA) NYCTOPHOBIA Fear of darkness or the night OCHLOPHOBIA Fear of crowds OCHOPHOBIA Fear of vehicles ODONTOPHOBIA Fear of teeth, especially the teeth of animals ODYNOPHOBIA Fear of pain (also ALGOPHOBIA, ODYNEPHOBIA) OENOPHOBIA Hatred/dislike of wine (also OINOPHOBIA) OIKOPHOBIA Fear of home surroundings OLFACTOPHOBIA Fear of smells (also OSMOPHOBIA) OMBROPHOBIA Fear of rain OMMATOPHOBIA Fear of eyes ONEIROPHOBIA Fear of dreams ONOMATOPHOBIA Fear of hearing a specific name, word, or phrase OPHIDIOPHOBIA Fear of snakes OPTOPHOBIA Fear of opening one's eyes ORNITHOPHOBIA Fear of birds OSMOPHOBIA Fear of odors OSPHRESIOPHOBIA Intense dislike of body odors OURANOPHOBIA Fear of heaven PAEDOPHOBIA Fear of children or dolls (also PEDIOPHOBIA, PEDIPHOBIA) PANOPHOBIA Fear of everything or a nonspecific fear (also PANPHOBIA, PANTAPHOBIA) PAPAPHOBIA Fear or dislike of the pope and the papacy PARALIPOPPHOBIA Fear of neglect of some duty PARAPHOBIA Fear of sexual perversions PARASITOPHOBIA Fear of parasites (also PHTHIRIOPHOBIA) PARTHENOPHOBIA Fear of virgins or young women PATHOPHOBIA Fear of diseases and germs PATROIOPHOBIA Fear of heredity PECCATIPHOBIA Fear of sinning (also PECCATOPHOBIA) PEDICULOPHOBIA Fear of lice PELLAGRAPHOBIA Fear of getting pellagra PENIAPHOBIA Fear of poverty PHAGOPHOBIA Fear of eating or swallowing PHARMACOPHOBIA Fear of drugs or medicines PHASMOPHOBIA Fear of ghosts PHENGOPHOBIA Fear of daylight PHILOSOPHOBIA Fear of philosophy or philosophers PHOBOPHOBIA Fear of fear itself PHONOPHOBIA Fear of noise PHOTANGIOPHOBIA Fear of eye pain caused by light PHOTOPHOBIA Fear of light PHTRIRIOPHOBIA Fear of parasites PHTHISIOPHOBIA Fear of tuberculosis (also TUBERCULOPHOBIA) PLACOPHOBIA Fear of tombstones PNIGEROPHOBIA Fear of smothering PNIGOPHOBIA Fear of choking POGONOPHOBIA Fear of beards POINEPHOBIA Fear of many things POLITICOPHOBIA Fear or dislike of politicians POLYPHOBIA Fear of many things PONOPHOBIA Fear of fatigue, especially from overworking PORPHYROPHOBIA Hatred of the color purple POTAMOPHOBIA Fear of rivers and running water POTOPHOBIA Fear of drinking PROTEINPHOBIA Intense dislike of protein foods PSYCHOPHOBIA Fear of the mind PSYCHROPHOBIA Fear of cold temperatures PTERONONPHOBIA Fear of feathers PYREXIOPHOBIA Fear of fever PYROPHOBIA Fear of fire RHABDOPHOBIA Fear of being beaten RHYPOPHOBIA Fear of filth RUSSOPHOBIA Fear or intense dislike of Russia and Russian things SATANOPHOBIA Fear of Satan SCABIOPHOBIA Fear of scabies; fear of itching SCATOPHOBIA Fear of excrement; fear of using obscene language SCHOLIONOPHOBIA Fear of school (also DIDASKALEINOPHOBIA) SCIAPHOBIA Fear of shadows (also SCIOPHOBIA) SCOLECIPHOBIA Fear of worms (also VERMIPHOBIA) SCOPOPHOBIA Fear of being looked at (also SCOPTOPHOBIA) SCOTOPHOBIA Fear of the dark SELAPHOBIA Fear of flashes SELENOPHOBIA Fear of the moon SIDERODROMOPHOBIA Fear of railroads or of traveling on trains SIDEROPHOBIA Fear of the stars SINOPHOBIA Fear of China and Chinese people SITOPHOBIA Fear of food (also CIBOPHOBIA) SPRECTROPHOBIA Fear of specters or phantoms SPERMOPHOBIA Fear of germs SPHEKSOPHOBIA Fear of wasps STASIBASIPHOBIA Fear of attempthing to stand or walk (also STASIPHOBIA) STENOPHOBIA Fear of narrow spaces SYPHILIPHOBIA Fear of becoming infected with syphilis (also SYPHILOPHOBIA) TABOPHOBIA Fear of wasting sickness TAPHEPHOBIA Fear of being buried alive; fear of graves (also TAPHOPHOBIA) TAPINOPHOBIA Fear of small things TELOPHOBIA Intense dislike of teleology TELEPHONOPHOBIA Fear of using the telephone TERATOPHOBIA Fear of monsters or giving birth to a monster THAASOPHOBIA Fear of boredom THALASSOPHOBIA Fear of the sea THANTOPHOBIA Fear of death THEATROPHOBIA Fear of theaters THEOPHOBIA Fear of God THERMOPHOBIA Fear of heat TOCOPHOBIA Fear of childbirth TOMOPHOBIA Fear of surgical operations TONITROPHOBIA Fear of thunder TOPOPHOBIA Fear of performing on stage; fear of certain places and situations TOXICOPHOBIA Fear of poisoning (also TOXIPHOBIA) TRAUMATOPHOBIA Fear of war or physical injury TREMOPHOBIA Fear of tembling TRICHINIPHOBIA Fear of trichinosis (also TRICHOPHOBIA, & TRICHOPATHOPHOBIA) TRYPANOPHOBIA Fear of inoculation, injection (also VACCINOPHOBIA) VENEREOPHOBIA Fear of venereal disease VERMIPHOBIA Fear of worms (also SCOLECIPHOBIA) XENOPHOBIA Fear of strangers of foreigners (also ZENOPHOBIA) XYLOPHOBIA Fear of the forest ZELOPHOBIA Fear of jealousy ZOOPHOBIA Fear of animals +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + + + *** All phobias are AUTHENTIC *** + + + +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+