*main menu First, you should select your destination and ship for this voyage. Then, you can pick your crew members and supplies accordingly. When you are done, you can view the overall mission plan by selecting Mission Summary. To exit Mission in Space select Exit. Science Officer out. *destination select This item will let you select your destination for this voyage. For more information press again. Science Officer out. *transport select This item will let you select your ship for this voyage. For more information press again. Science Officer out. *crew select This item will let you pick your crew members for this voyage. For more information press again. Science Officer out. *supplies select This item will let you pick your supplies for this voyage. For more information press again. Science Officer out. *summary select This item will let you view the overall mission plan for this voyage. For more information press again. Science Officer out. *exit select This item will let you exit Missin in Space. Science Officer out. *destination Select the destination by moving to the planet of your choice using the cursor keys and then pressing the key. As an alternative, you can use the first character of the planet name to make your choice. If you don't feel like hanging around the solar system, go to the last field and enter whatever place in the known Universe you may prefer. To get out of the destination menu use the or / keys. To zoom/unzoom this and all other help screens use . Science Officer out. *transport Now you can select your ship by using the cursor keys and then pressing the key, or you can use the first character of the ship name to make your choice. To get out of the transport menu use the or / keys. Until next F1 have fun. *supplies This a list of the most important supplies and equipment assembled by the ship's computer. Make your selection using the cursor keys and then pressing the key. Science Officer out. *scroll help Now you are in a scrollable region. Use the following navigation commands: To get out of here: Leaves the region up. Leaves the region down. Exits the current form and saves data. Quits the current form without saving data. To move around: Goes to the previous page. Goes to the next page. , Next field. Previous field. Goes to the field above the current one. Goes to the field below the current one. , The function of those commands is rather complex. Rather than attempting to explain the behavior, I suggest trying them out. Hint: Go to the middle of a field in the middle of the region and press or several times. Science Officer out. *dataform help Here is the list of selected commands for data-entry forms. Moves to the previous item on the form. , Moves to the next item on the form. Exits the current form and saves data. Quits the current form without saving data. Science Officer out. *memofld help You are in a memo field and here is the list of things you can do there: Clears the memo field and redisplays the original one. Reflows the current paragraph. Joins the current row to the previous row. Inserts a blank row after the current row. Deletes the current row. Clears from the cursor position to the end of the row. Deletes all characters to the end of the word, including the white space following the word. Moves the cursor to the first column on the current line. Moves to the end of the text on the current line. Moves the cursor up one page. Moves the cursor to the first column and first row of the memo. Moves the cursor down one page. Moves the cursor to the end of the text on the last row of the memo. Moves the cursor one column left. Moves to the first character of the previous word. Moves the cursor one column right. Moves to the first character of the next word. Moves the cursor up one row. Moves the cursor down one row. Splits the current row at the cursor position. Toggles between insert and overstrike mode. Deletes the character at the current cursor position. Deletes the character to the left of the cursor. All form-level commands also work here. Press again to see them. Science Officer out. *choicelist help Make your selection using the cursor keys and then press the key. Science Officer out.