This program will modify all of your save game files for Monster Bash 1 by Apogee so that you will have 10 lives (as the default) but can also be used to give you from 1 to 200 lives. If you don't like to start over a million times and just want to have some fun with this excellent game, cheat! I recommend that you save copies of all your game save files (they are named SAVE?.MB1 where "?" is a number from 0 to 9) before running this program in case you want to play as a mortal again! Place the BASHCHT.EXE file in the same directory as the save files and enter BASHCHT to modify the files. This will give all saves 10 lives. If you want another number of lives, run the program by typing BASHCHT followed by a space and a number from 1 to 200. (BASHCHT 150 would give you 150 lives in each saved game). Please note that after 12 lives the "pets unsaved" will be obscured when you view your status and the "time elapsed" will also be obscured at higher numbers of lives. This could make the game difficult to play. This program works by editing byte 0 (lives) of the save files and then calculating the correct "checksum" for each file (bytes 10-13). If you are handy with a hex editor, you might want to alter the level (byte 2), score (bytes 6-9), or difficulty (byte 4 where 00=hard 01=medium 02=easy) before running BASHCHT. The BASHCHT program will calculate the correct "checksum" for the files. There is one more feature which I hope you will never have to use. The last bytes of the save file are always either 0000 or FFFF. I believe I am calculating this value correctly, but I haven't tried every possible save file. I have added a feature to "toggle" these last two bytes in case the game rejects a save file modified with BASHCHT. If a save file is rejected, run the cheat by typing: BASHCHT T ? (where "?" is a number from 0-9 which is the number of the save to be toggled). The file should work after this is done. This program is brought to you as FREEWARE by Michael P. Hoffmann and is copyright (c) 1993 by Michael P. Hoffmann, all rights reserved. GEnie: M.HOFFMANN1