This program will modify all of your save game files for Catacomb Abyss by Softdisk Publishing so that you will have 100% health, 99 zappers, 99 xterminators, and 99 cures. If you don't like to start over a million times and just want to have some fun with this really terrific new shareware game, cheat! I recommend that you save copies of all your game save files (they are named ?.SAV where "?" is anything you named the save file) before running this program. Place the CATABCHT.EXE file in the same directory as the save files and enter CATABCHT to modify the files. NOTE: Any and all files with the .SAV file extension in the current directory will be modified. DETAILS: If you want to manually edit the save files with a hex editor, byte 46h (70 decimal) is set to 64h (100 decimal) for 100% health. Bytes 1ah, 1ch, and 1eh (26, 28, and 30 decimal) are set to 63h (99 decimal) for zappers, xterminators, and cure potions. This program is brought to you as FREEWARE by Michael P. Hoffmann and is copyright (C) 1992 by Michael P. Hoffmann, all rights reserved. GEnie: M.HOFFMANN1