STUNT ISLAND STUNT......SAVE THE COLISEUM, by Scott Stephens; aka Snotty OK folks, this is my first attempt at creating a stunt set for others to try. It still needs some fine tuning, but I was anxious to see others try it out. Drop me a line with what you think!!!! (good stuff only please..he he..) Anyways, this is the scenario: Terrorists have hijacked a Boeing 747 and are going to crash it into a stadium full of spectators. The 747 is coming out of the North east and is coming over the mountains towards a stadium that I have placed on the inside near the harbor, across from the island with the castle on it. You will be in an A10 Warthog Avenger at an airstrip on the north west shore of stunt island. Take off and intercept the 747 and shoot it down before it crashes into the a hero!! The terrorists knew you would try so they boobytrapped your plane to explode shortly after takeoff.....your only hope after downing the 747 is to fly over the island with the castle on it and must then parachute into the courtyard of the castle....PIECE OF CAKE!!! ENJOY...I will re-upload it after I fine tune it and hopefully get some feedback.....and by the way, I have included a film of me completing the mission for your review... Cya folks..... Snotty.....