SB QST @ ARRL $ARLB058 ARLB058 Fines are fine QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin 58 ARLB058 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 21, 1993 To all radio amateurs FCC fines are fine A federal court judge in Washington, DC, has found for the Federal Communications Commission in a lawsuit in which the ARRL supported the FCC. The suit, brought by Action for Children's Television and 20 other broadcasting and public-interest organizations, challenged the FCC's monetary forfeiture procedures in indecency cases. The League's interest in the matter, the ARRL said in a friend-of- the-court brief, was to protect the interests of radio amateurs in effective FCC enforcement. On May 18, U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth granted an FCC motion to dismiss the plaintiffs' request that all indecency forfeiture proceedings currently before the FCC be dismissed; as well as a Commission motion to dismiss the major complainants in the lawsuit for ''lack of standing.'' In addition, Judge Lamberth granted the FCC's motion to dismiss the two other major points sought by the plaintiffs: 1. To find that the review procedures now used by the FCC cannot constitutionally be used to adjudicate alleged indecency violations under federal law; and 2. To enjoin the FCC from initiating or conducting forfeiture proceedings for alleged violations of federal law concerning indecency. The court did deny the FCC's motion to dismiss a constitutional claim by Infininity Broadcasting Corp. arising from a 1990 Notice of Apparent Liability. The entire case was ordered dismissed. More information is in June QST, page 77. /EX