SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD021 ARLD021 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 21 ARLD021 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT April 30, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to the YCCC PacketCluster Network and Pete, KB1HY, for the items in this week's bulletin. UGANDA. At the rate things are going, this one will probably move out of the top ten most wanted countries list for DXers. 5X1XX has been very busy working 30 and 17 meter CW. 5X1A and 5X1B have been handing out their fair share of Qs, too. For the data crowd, 5X1XT is on 20 meter RTTY. LOW BAND REPORT. Despite certainly not being in the prime time of the year for DXing on 160 meters, some good pickings are around for the patient. Northeastern amateurs have worked CE8ABF on both CW and SSB. Listen between 1835 and 1840 kHz for this one. Other goodies include SV8ZS on 1828 kHz at 0304z, ZP5JCY on 1832 kHz at 0237z, and EI5HJ on 1833 kHz at 0035z. 80 METER REPORT. The approach of Summer doesn't seem to have had much affect yet on this band. New Englanders have worked ZL3ABV at 1010z, JA1HQT at 0957z and CX4GL at 0933 and 0346z with CW. SSB catches include CP5NU at 0138z, VP2EY at 0240z, ZP5PT at 0131 and 0200z, PY5CC at 0134z, and PY2HC at 0100z. 40 METER REPORT. Operating sunset and sunrise times is productive on this band. Recent finds include 5B0/DL6SDW at 2344z, ZL1ST at 1041z, and JH1GRG between 0900 and 1030z, all operating CW. 30 METERS continues to provide good DX all year long. Some of the better finds have been VK6RO at 1103z, OY1CT at 0029z, ZK3RW at 0529z, 5X1XX at 0340z, 3B8FG at 0327z, 5X1XT at 0321z, and 7P8SR at 0205z. 20 METER REPORT. For CW buffs, listen for BV4JB on 14032 kHz at 1340z, VK5ML on 14043 kHz at 1011z, and VR6BB on 14025 kHz at 0626z. For SSBers, listen for VK8YL on 14226 kHz between 1130 and 1215z, 9M2MW on 14245 kHz at 1032z, AND VR6BX on 14260 at 0535z. 17 METER REPORT. This band offers T30JH on West Kiribati operating SSB on 18155 kHz around 0350z. Also look for 5X1XX around 18070 kHz between 2300 and 0100z. 15 METER REPORT. YB1ARW can be found on 21294 kHz SSB around 1400z. OD5/SP7LSE continues to be active from Lebanon. Check 21015 kHz CW around 1400z. 12 METER REPORT. PacketCluster spots are few and far between for this band. However, ZL2ANT was worked on 24900 kHz at 2315z, and ZK2XO on 24895 kHz at 2227z, both from the east coast. Not bad for a dead band. 10 METER REPORT. And if you think 10 meters is dead until the next sunspot peak, think again. Don't forget that a band that is wide open can sound dead if there is no one transmitting. The moral? When in doubt, call CQ. Here is a list of some DX worked during the past week. C91S on 28480 KHz at 1345 and 1623z VK2NO 28355/0101 VR6JJ 28490/0055 PZ1CZ 28446/1752 3X0HLU 28470/1431 ZS6MI 28440/1220 ZL3AZ 28455/0154 ZL2XO 28027/2055 and 2114 SATELLITE REPORT. Enthusiasts of orbiting artificial propagation mention working the Italian DXpedition to Liechtenstein; TA1D in Turkey; OY1CT on the Faroe Islands; UL7 and UY8. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO there is a little something for just about everyone. The DXYL/NAYL phone contest wraps up on the 29th. See March QST, page 110 for details. Saturday ushers in the 0600 local time start of the ARRL UHF Sprints on 902, 1296 and 2304 MHz. See March QST, page 110 for further information. On Saturday and Sunday there is even more to choose from. To wit, the ARI International DX contest, MARAC County Hunters CW contest, Oregon QSO Party, Ten-Ten International Net Spring CW QSO Party, and the Texas QSO Party. Whew. The particulars for these events are on page 106 of April QST. And if that wasn't enough, Sunday, May 2 will be a prime for EME contacts. /EX