SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD027 ARLD027 Eritrea dxpedition QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 27 ARLD027 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 24, 1993 To all radio amateurs Eritrea DXpedition Norwegian DXpedition to Asmara, Eritrea - May 31 to June 9 1993 The following from Erling Wiig, LA6VM, was received at ARRL HQ today: The dxpedition program includes an amateur radio introductory seminar, the setup of a club station and on-the-air operation. Engineers, technicians and students selected by the Telecommunications Authority of Eritrea will attend. Eritrea was deleted as a separated DXCC country 14 November 1962 after if had been annexed by Ethiopia as its 14th province. Ham radio was banned for many years. After the recent referendum, Eritrea has been recognized as an independent state, with May 24, 1993 as their formal Declaration of Independence day. Eritrea is expected to reappear on the DXCC countries list shortly. The dxpedition is organized by Ham Forum - LA5X. The dxpedition team members are: Erling J. Wiig LA6VM (team leader) Just Qvigstad LA9DL Halvard Eriksen LA7XK/KK6ZS Einar Enderud LA1EE Jim Fujiwara JF1IST from Japan is also part of the team. Operation is anticipated on HF SSB and CW, with participation of resident operators as part of the seminar. Callsign and frequencies of operation will be announced later, from site. Equipment for 3 complete stations will be available. QSL manager for this special event will be Ruth Tollefsen, LA6ZH, PO Box 17, N-0617 Oslo, Norway. /EX