SB DX @ ARRL $ARLD028 ARLD028 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 28 ARLD028 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT May 27, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks to the Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, Javier, AH6MM and Arseli, EA2JG, for the items in this weeks bulletin. 9M0S, SPRATLY ISLANDS. The DXpedition team (OH2BH, N7NG, OH1NYP, OH2MAK, AB6NJ, WA6AUE, JA5DQH, 9V1YW, 9M2FK and 9M6TC) is now on the air. The operation is expected to last 6 days. Look for them on CW on 1827, 3502/3522, 7002/7022, 10102, 14022, 18072, 21022, 24892 and 28022 kHz. Check 1827, 3792, 7062, 14195, 18102, 21295, 24932, 28495 kHz for SSB. KH0, SAIPAN. Dave, KE2PF, will be active before the end of the month from here and other remote islands, including Sarigan Island, Pagan Island, Maug Island, Guguan Island and Aguijan Island. He plans to spend a day or so on each island. S0, WESTERN SAHARA. Arseli, EA2JG, S0 QSL Manager, reports that portable S0 operations are not allowed at the present time in the country. The station operating KA3KJH/S0 has not received any permission to operate portable S0. At present, the only legal active stations of operation are: S0RASD (Club Station), S01A (Naama Zeine Edinne), S01B (Azman Mohammed) and S01MZ (Manfud Zein). The only temporary operations and DXpeditions that were legal are: S01EA, S01LYNX, S02UN, S03UN and S01DX. T2, TUVALU. Juan, T20JC, is apparently a new licensee on the island. He has been heard a few times on 14247 kHz between 0330-0500z. It was reported that Juan is with the Peace Corps. QSL via KL7H. V6, MICRONESIA. Minami, JQ3EEL, plans to go to Micronesia and sign V63SM, June 18 to 20. He will be active on SSB on 21240 and 7070 kHz, CW on 21040 and 7007 kHz and on the satellites on 145.930 or 145.890 MHz. QSL to: PO Box 88, Moriguci, 570, Japan. ZD9, TRISTAN DE CUNHA AND GOUGH ISLAND. Andy, ZD9BV, and his wife Lorraine, ZD9CO, are the only hams on Tristan de Cunha. They can only operate until midnight local time because the town's generator goes off at that time. Andy frequents 21260 kHz around 1830z and 21313 kHz at 1800z. His wife sometimes shows on the YL/NET at 21313 kHz around 1830z and another net on 21355 kHz at 1930z. QSL both via W4FRU. Alain, ZD9CQ, is on Gough Island through November. He mainly works 20 and 40 meters on SSB. QSL via ZS6AS. KH9, WAKE ISLAND. The Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club, W6BHZ, is organizing a DXpedition/Radio Wave Propagation experiment to WAKE ISLAND, KH9, for late August and early September. There will be 6 operators and activity will be on CW, SSB, RTTY on all bands, 160 through 6 meters, plus OSCAR Satellites. Moonbounce operation is also a possibility. The latest release of the International Radio Call Sign Blocks list by ITU shows Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic) being assigned Z3A - Z3Z. No word has been received with regard to when we can expect to hear Z3 call signs on the air. IOTA NA-110. Dr. Rick Dorsch will be active as NE8Z/1C0 from Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Activity will be from June 19-27, on the following frequencies: SSB IOTA freq 14260, 21260 and 28460; CW is plus 5kHz and 25 kHz up on 40-10 meters. QSL Manager is K8LJG, John Kroll, 3528 Craig Drive, Flint, MI 48506. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. This weekend brings the CQ World-Wide WPX CW Contest. See page 109 of February QST for details. /EX