BID : $RACESBUL.270 TO: ALL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCIES VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: ALL RACES OPERATORS IN CA (ALLCA: OFFICIAL) ALL AMATEURS U.S. (@ USA: INFORMATION) FROM: CA STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (W6HIR @ WA6NWE.CA) 2800 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832 (916)262-1600 Landline BBS open to all: (916) 262-1657 RACESBUL.270 DATE: April 19, 1993 SUBJECT: TNG - Exercise technique Seldom do state level radio communications exercises approximate "real world" communications. Unlike health and welfare traffic, government communications tends to be predominantly sporadic, informal, and tactical in nature. Long periods of no communications are common. As they say in the service, "Hurry up and wait". An exercise technique used successfully is that of sending the same message over multiple channels. This means that a message from State to a county EOC is transmitted via the RACES, Civil Air Patrol, SECURE, Local Government or other available and appropriate radio systems. Following the exercise, you request that the received message forms be mailed back to you to show both accuracy and time of receipt. In county to city exercises, CB radio may be thrown into the mix. ---Stan Harter, KH6GBX EOM