Bid : $RACESBUL.274 TO: ALL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCIES VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: ALL RACES OPERATORS IN CA (ALLCA: OFFICIAL) ALL AMATEURS U.S. (@ USA: INFORMATION) FROM: CA STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (W6HIR @ WA6NWE.CA) 2800 Meadowview Rd., Sacramento, CA 95832 (916)262-1600 Landline BBS open to all: (916) 262-1657 RACESBUL.274 DATE: May 17, 1993 SUBJECT: MGT - The committed volunteer - Part 3/3 Other people may serve only when they are needed to perform INFREQUENT and usually unscheduled tasks. A few examples include extra operators for a major incident, installation or maintenance activity, computer programmers, special projects, etc. I use as an example one volunteer we have who is a computer communications program expert. If a terminal hangs up we may need his advice fast. One phone call and the problem is usually cleared in minutes. His advice is invaluable and priceless. He does not come in to the office and serve. He may respond into the field on an incident perhaps once a year. But you can see how it's impossible to put a price tag on his value to us without his having to meet radio nets or serve some expected hours per month. You and, more importantly, your Radio Officer will know the capabilities and talents of each volunteer. It's your Radio Officer's responsibility to recruit enough people with the likes and skills to provide depth and redundancy. As your Radio Officer's supervisor it is your role to motivate, lead and inspire. Let your volunteers be the best they can be --- and they will! --- Stan Harter, KH6GBX EOM