E-BIBLE CAN BE READ BY THE IRIS PROGRAM YOU ALREADY OWN. BBS.ASC IS THE MAILING LIST WE USE FOR OUR PROGRAMS IN ASCII FORMAT - IMPORT INTO YOUR DATA BASE MANAGER AND MAIL YOUR FINISHED PRODUCT TO THESE PEOPLE FIRST. IMPORTANT: MAKE SURE THAT YOU TEST YOUR PROGRAM SO THAT IT AUTOMATICALLY INSTALLS FOR THE END-USERS. IF THE LIBRARIAN CAN'T INSTALL IT HE WILL NOT EVEN NOTIFY YOU IN MOST CASES AND YOU LOSE THE POTENTIAL OF SEVERAL THOUSAND SALES. Another Note of EXTREME IMPORTANCE! We have included the programming that we use to allow our customers to easily order from us. You will want to copy this programming and place it into your own files. The important code is at the head of the document E-bible and at the end. The way to work is load our E-Bible in your editor so that you can read the program commands at the top and bottom of the file. Then copy these commands to your own books. Then edit the order.frm to include your own return address.