The following is an exerpt from the Septermber 29, 1917 issue of "The Scout", a weeekly publication of the Boy Scouts Association. THE CHIEF SCOUT YARNS A Weekly Pow-wow by Lt.-Gen. Sir ROBERT BADEN-POWELL, K.C.B THE SCOUT UNIFORM You may remember how I told you lately that a Scout, wearing his uniform, was at once passed through the police barrier to give help when the German airmen had bombed the train in which I was about to travel. They recognised that a Scout was not an ordinary boy, but was likely to be useful and helpful; so they passed him through. I have recently heard of another case like it when a Scout in uniform was making his way to the scene of a great munition works explosion. A lady asked him where he was going. He replied: "To lend a hand with the injured." "But," said the lady, "you will never get through the police." "Won't I!" he said. "A fellow wears this uniform can get anywhere/" He was "passed through" all right and did good work for several hours. So your uniform is one to be proud of. But is will also make people expect a great deal from you, so Be Prepared; train yourself and know hwat to do in any kind of accident and sho that you can do it well for the honour of the Scout Brotherhood. B-P