This list is an update of an earlier list (CHECKL) and much needed revisions have been made over the years (CHECKL was dated back to 1987) from further experience and maturation of the author. There is a balance between both the need to go lightweight, and also a need to be complete. Some items are included as reminders, but can be left home for weight considerations. Some brand name products are meant to represent generic items, and I have included additional information in such cases. Adjust amounts of clothing, etc. as dictated by duration of trip. I would appreciate EasyPlex feedback from users, especially those in my area (Ontario, Canada). A.W. 71777,1617 The Compleat Backpacker Checklist - 1991 edition Basic Clothing [] Hiking boots + insoles [] Camp footwear / sneakers / sandals [] Sweat-Shirt [] Rain gear [] Jacket [] Thick socks [] Light socks [] Shirts [] T-Shirts [] Underwear / longjohns [] Pants [] Shorts [] Durable Gloves [] Belt + Clips [] Hat / Cap [] Insect netting head + body (as required) [] Waterproofed stuffsack for clothing items Personal Equipment [] BackPack + rain cover / garbage bags [] Walking staff (optional) [] Fannypack / daypack (optional) [] Sleeping Bag [] Mattress / Therm-A-Rest [] Reflective Blanket [] Navigational Compass + Map(s) [] Water Canteen [] Swiss Army Knife [] Large Knife [] Large waterproof power flashlight [] Small flashlight + red filter (optional) [] Headlamp (optional) [] Batteries [] Matches [] Windproof lighter + fuel [] Chopsticks, spoon, knife, fork, bowl, cup, dish [] Airtight sack for personal mess kit [] Extra Fastex straps [] ZipLocs [] Wallet [] Wristwatch [] Sunglasses [] Garbage bags [] 50U Nylon / Bungee cordage (adjust length as required) [] Money [] Backup Eye-Glasses / Contact Lenses The Medicine Cabinet [] Deep Woods / Muskol / Insect Repellent [] Skin Disinfectant / Tincture of Iodine [] Water Treatment Tablets [] Vitamins (200 mg B-1 reputedly has repellent effects) [] Air-Strip bandages / waterproof bandages [] Spray Plastic Bandage [] Butterfly bandages [] Tweezers (or found in Swiss Army Knife) [] Razor Blades [] Q-Tips [] Caladryl / Insect Bite lotion [] Gauze pads [] Micropore tape / breathable tape [] Bandages [] Safety Pins [] MoleSkin / Molefoam (there is now a softer version of MoleSkin available) [] Denatured Alcohol [] Hand moisturizer [] Tylenol / Acetaminophen pain suppressant [] Actifed / Anti-histamine (allergy pills) [] Lomotil / Anti-stomach upset [] Antacid [] Antibiotics [] Sunscreen [] Snake Bite Kit (use with discretion) [] First Aid Literature / "Mountaineering Medicine" The Bathroom [] Wet-naps [] "Ivo" Bars (Ivory bars halved) / scent-free soap [] Chamois cloth / Towel [] Toothbrush + Toothpaste [] Dental Floss [] Shatterproof mirror [] Toilet Paper [] Nail clipper (team equipment) [] Trowel (team equipment - unless privy available) Optional Bathroom [] Shaving equipment [] Hairbrush [] Wash cloth [] Contact lens equipment The Survival Kit [] Firestarter [] Waterproof marker + writing paper [] Hooks, line, sinks [] Cyalume Lightsticks [] Whistle / pressurized "Falcon" blowhorn [] Signal Flares / Smoke Bombs Team equipment [] All permits + I.D. [] Tent + Rainfly + Stakes + Tarp per tent (unless shelter available on site) [] Fuel Lantern (as required) [] Fuel for lantern and stove [] Candle Lantern + Candles / Tent lamp (optional) [] Binoculars / Telescope (optional) The Kitchen [] Food [] Stove (recommended even if firewood available) [] Fuel Bottle(s) [] Cooking grill for fireplace (optional) [] Water Carrier [] Water Filtration System [] Nested cooking pots [] Kettle (optional) [] Pot Holder [] Frying Pan [] Spatula [] Egg Container (optional) [] Washing-Up detergent (or use soap) The Workshop [] Duct tape / Rip-stop Tape / Nylon Tape [] Super Glue [] Axe (optional) [] Pliers / Leatherman Tool [] Needles + threads [] Carpet Thread [] Safety Pins [] Elastic bands [] Extra buttons & bulbs [] Repair Kit for Stove [] Seam-Sealer (optional for field equipment) [] Backpacking Saw / Fast Bucksaw (optional) Additional Optional Equipment [] Alarm Clock [] Swimming gear [] Fishing gear [] Solar Shower / Shower attachment for water carrier [] Cassette player / radio [] Hunting Knife / Machete [] Bow / Crossbow [] Camera / Disposable Camera [] Star guide [] Edible Plant guide [] Survival guide [] Inflatable Raft / Canoe + Paddles [] Patch kit for Raft [] Foot Pump [] Recipes, etc. for cooking [] Portable Computer with mobile cellular modem and solar power converter in large Ziploc bag :-)