I am not much on documentation so this is as good as it gets. I'm not one for guarantees either so the only guarantee that I will make is that my program will take up disk space. Since Bit Bucket Software had made Binkley freely available I, in the same spirit, make Outbound Call Status freely available. The only thing I insist on, is to keep the original distribution file intact and unmodified. I have seen several Binkley log analyzers, but none as a mail pimp, errr, mail distributor, that would give me the information I needed. What I was looking for was a program that would, read the Binkley log, and produce a report to show the number of call attempts that were made, who they were made to, and the result of the call attempt. This type of report would quickly show which systems my system was wasting time trying to call because a remote system was, more often than not, unavialable. It was because of this I wrote Outbound Call Status (OCS). To create the summary report enter "ocs -l ". When OCS finishes, 2 files will be created: OCS.DLY - This is the formatted summary report all attempted outbound calls. OCS.DAT - This is a file containing condensed information displayed in the OCS.DLY file. I currently do not use this, but have some future ideas for accumulation of data. Each run of OCS, to process the Binkley, log will over write the above files. If you want to save them, you must do so manually. OCS is distributed in ZIP format and contains the following files: OCS.EXE OS/2 version of OCS compiled with C Set/2. OCSD.EXE DOS (ugh) version of OCS compiled with Borland C/C++. README.TXT You are reading it. A fine example of literary excellence, Huh. If any of these files are missing or newones added, then someone has dorked with the file. The current version of OCS can always be F'reqed from 1:106/202 under the magic name of "OCS". Any problems, complaints (silly), or suggestions cheerfully accepted by Jim Dailey at 1:106/202. If you encounter a problem, please attach a copy of the log you were processing. This would definitly help in fixing the bug, ahhh.... quirk. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Revision History 02/27/93 - Initial release.