USERS / Under the user-supported concept, you are given a complete, working copy of the software program free. You have 60 days to try the software and determine whether it meets your needs and is useful to you. If you find that you are using this software, you are asked to pay for it by registering as a user. The registration fee is $29.95 (US). Please add $2 for shipping, $4 outside of North America. When you purchase a registered copy you will receive the most recent version (absent of registration inducements) free telephone support, a printed program manual, and a copy of our FREE Debt-Free booklet. A form for registration can be displayed and printed from a prompt within the nformation option. Or send $29.95 plus P&H with your name, address, computer type, disk size, and the name of this software to the address given below. (Please add $2 for shipping and handling, $4 outside of North America).