PRODIGY(R) interactive personal service 12/10/92 4:29 PM FOOD AND WINE CLUB TOPIC: BUSY COOK TIME: 12/02 8:03 AM TO: JUNE JAMES (GNDR31B) FROM: EILEEN LAMPARELLI (CGDR39A) SUBJECT: DINNER IN A DISH-R Hi June, I couldn't get back to you yesterday because I kept getting bumped off. Here's the Swedish Applecake recipe: SWEDISH APPLECAKE 1/4 lb. butter 3 C bread crumbs 3 T sugar 2 tsp cinnamon 2 C applesauce 2 T butter Melt 1/4 C of butter in a pan. Add the bread crumbs, sugar, and the cinnamon and stir till well mixed and golden brown. Place 1/3 of the bread crumb mixture in a well-greased deep dish pie pan. Cover this with 1 C of applesauce. Continue to layer with another 1/3 of the bread crumbs and another cup of applesauce. Put the rest of the bread crumbs on top and dot with 2 T of butter. Bake at 375 for 25 minutes. Serve at room temperature. Makes 6 to 8 servings. This recipe is from THE INTERNATIONAL COOKBOOK. I'll post the Tiger Cake in the next note because there's not enough room for it here. See you in just a minute! Eileen