EXCERPTS FROM: Y O U N G ' S D E M O N S T R A T I V E T R A N S L A T I O N O F S C I E N T I F I C S E C R E T S ; O R A C O L L E C T I O N O F A B O V E 5 0 0 U S E F U L R E C E I P T S O N A V A R I E T Y O F S U B J E C T S T O R O N T O P R I N T E D B Y R O W S E L L & E L L I S, K I N G S T R E E T E A S T ---------- 1 8 6 1 433. MEDICINES The following medicines are for man, while those commencing at receipt No. 331, and ending at No. 392 are for horses, cattle, &c., unless when stated to the contrary. 434. FOR DROPSY Take of powdered jalap 5 gr., powdered rhubarb 5 gr., powdered scammony 5 gr., powdered elaterium 1/2 gr., bitartrate of potash 1/2 drm., sulphate of potash 1/2 drm., and syrup of ginger sufficient to make into pills; mix and divide into five pills. These five pills given at once form an excellent hydragogue cathartic to clear the chest, relieve breathing and diminish the dropsical effusion. 435. ANTIBILIOUS PILLS Take of camomel 20 grs., jalap powder 20 grs., tartar-emetic 2 grs., and syrup sufficient to form into pills; divide into eight pills. The dose is tow at bed time; repeated in the morning if necessary. This forms an excellent antibilious pill. 436. JAUNDICE Take of rhubarb powder 1 scruple, castile soap half a drachm, calomel 12 grs., mix and divide into pills; two or three to be taken at bed time; emetrics, purges, fomentations about the stomach and liver, and exercise will seldom fail to cure jaundice when it is a simple disease; and when complicated with dropsy, a scirrous liver, or other chronic complaints, it is hardly to be cured by any means. Castile soap has been looked upon as a kind of specific. 437. ASTHMA Take of powdered squills 2 drms., powdered assafoetida 1 drachm, mix and divide into 30 pills, two to be taken twice or thrice a day. Useful in chronic asthma. 438. DR. DEWEES' ANTI-COLIC MIXTURE Take of carbonate of magnesia 1/2 drm., tincture of assafoetida 60 drops, tincture of opium 20 drops, white sugar 1 drm., and distilled water 1 oz.; mix and shake; twenty-five drops to be given to an infant of two to four weeks old, in flatulent colic, diarrhoea, &c. 439. DR. HUN'S ANTI-DIARRHOEAL MIXTURE Take of oil of cajeput 1 oz., oil of cloves 1 oz., oil of peppermint 1 oz., oil of anise 1 oz., alcohol 4 oz.; mix and shake; dose, from one to two drachms in hot brandy and water or syrup. This will afford the most speedy relief in diarrhoea accompanied with pain. 440. HOPE'S MIXTURE Take of camphor water 4 oz., nitric acid 4 drops, tincture of opium 40 to 60 drops; mix cork, and shake; dose, a tablespoonful every two hours in diarrhoea and dysentery. 441. ANTI-CHOLERA MIXTURE Take of tincture of opium 1 drm., liquor ammonia 1/2 drm., tincture of the oil of peppermint 1/2 drm., ether 25 drops, tincture of camphor 1 drm., tincture of capsicum, 1 drachm; mix, cork and shake. In real cholera give this all immediately; if the patient throws it up, repeat at once. This is an excellent prescription in extreme cases when the patient is cramped. 442. FOR HYSTERIC FITS Take of tincture assafoetida 2 drms., aromatic spirits of ammonia 2 drms., camphor water 7 ozs., mix and cork; give two tablespoonsful every three or four hours. 443. ANTI-ASTHMATIC MIXTURE Take of mixture of ammoniacum 4 oz., syrup of squill 3 drms., antimonial wine 60 drops, wine 1/2 oz., mix and cork. Give two tablespoonsful often, or when either the cough or shortness of breath is troublesome. 444. ANTI-RHEUMATIC MIXTURE Take of ammoniated tinc. of quack 1/2 oz., honey 1/2 oz., camphor water 6 oz., mix and cork. Take two tablespoonsful three or four times a day in chronic rheumatism; rub well the affected part with anti-rheumatic liniment. 445. ANTI-RHEUMATIC LINIMENT Take of tinc. of opium 2 oz., tine of belladonna 2 oz., powdered camphor 2 oz., oil of turpentine 2 oz., oil of sassafras 2 oz., oil of origanum 2 oz., and tinc. of capsicum 1 pint; mix all together. 446. DIURETIC MIXTURE Take of peppermint water 5 oz., wine 6 drachms, sweet spirits of nitre 1/2 oz.; mix. Two tablespoonsful to be taken three times a-day in obstruction of urinary passages. 447. SWEATING MIXTURE Take of acetated liquor of ammonia 3 oz., ipecacuanha 10 gr., tincture of oil of peppermint 15 drops, distilled water 5 oz.; mix. Three tablespoonsful to be taken every two hours, until it produces the desired effects. 448. FOR CRAMP IN THE STOMACH Take of ether 2 drms, white sugar 1 1/2 drms., tinc. of opium 60 drops, cinnamon water 2 oz.; mix. Give a teaspoonful every hour in cramp of the stomach. 449. FOR HOOPING COUGH Take of tinc. of assafoetida 1 drm, ipecacuanha 10 gr., tinc. of opium 10 drops, distilled water 2 ozs.; mix. Give to a child two years old a teaspoonful every four hours, increasing ten drops for every additional year. 450. FOR WINTER COUGH, &c Take of powered extract of liquorice 2 drms, gum acacia 2 drms, hot water 4 oz.; mix. Let all dissolve, and add tinc. of opium 40 drops, spirits of nitric ether 1 drm., wine of antimony 2 drms. Dose, one tablespoonful in catarrh and common winter cough. 451. TONIC MIXTURE Take of calomba 2 ozs., tine. of muriate of iron 1 1/2 oz., sulphate of quinine 20 grs., brandy 6 ozs., water 1 1/2 pint, bruise the calumba and pour the water on it boiling hot, cover tightly for two hours, then strain, bottle, and add all the other ingredients, when the quinine is dissolved it is ready for use. This forms an excellent tonic in cases of debility. Dose, one tablespoonful three times a-day half an hour before meals. 452. ANTI-PERIODIC MIXTURE Take of sulphate of quinine 20 grs., sulphuric acid 1 drop, white sugar 1 drm., cinnamon water 2 1/2,; put the quinine, acid and water into a vial together, when dissolved add the sugar. Dose, a teaspoonful every hour, between the paroxysms of intermittent fevers, fever and ague, &c. 453. EMMENAGOGUE MIXTURE Take of tinc. of aloes 1/2 oz., tinc. of chloride of iron 1/2 drm., tinc. of valerian 1/2 oz.; mix. Take a teaspoonful in chamomile tea two or three times a-day in cases of amenorrhoea. 454. ANTI-GOUT MIXTURE Take of ammoniated tinc. of guaiac 6 drms., camphor water 6 ozs., tinc. of rhubarb 1/2 oz., and honey 1/2 oz.; mix, by rubbing the honey and the guaiac up in a glass mortar, and then add the other articles by degrees. Give two tablespoonsful every four or six hours, and rub with the anti-rheumatic liniment. 455. ANTI-GONORRHOEAL MIXTURE Take of copaibe 1/2 oz., spirts of nitric ether 1/2 oz., powdered acacia 1 drm., powered white sugar 1 drm., compound spts. of lavender 2 drms., tinc. of opium 1 drm., distilled water 4 oz.; mix. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a-day. Shake before using. 456. ANOTHER Take of copaibe 1 oz., sweet spirits of nitre 1 oz., gum acacia powdered white sugar 1 drm., peppermint water 4 oz.; mix, and let all dissolve. Dose, a tablespoonful three times a-day. Shake before using. 457. ASTRINGENT EYE-WATER Take of solution of acetate of lead 12 drops, wine of opium 11 drops, rose water 4 ozs.; mix, and let dissolve. This should be applied with a linen rag four or five times a-day. 458. EYE-WATER Take of distilled vinegar 1 oz., diluted spirits of wine 1/2 oz., rose water 8 ozs., mix. An excellent application to weak eyes after depletion. 459. ALUM EYE-WATER Take of rose water 2 ozs., distilled water 2 oz., and alum 1 scruple; mix and let dissolve. Excellent in chronic inflamations. 460. GARGLE OF BORAX Take of borax 1 drm., tinc. of myrrh 1/2 oz., clarified honey 1 oz., rose or distilled water, 4 oz.; mix. To be used as a gargle or mouth wash in sore mouth or affection of the gums. Omit the myrrh and water, and there is nothing better for the thrush in children; clean rain water answers about the same purpose, in all cases, as distilled water. 461. GARGLE FOR SORE THROAT Take of sulphate of quinine 15 grains, sulphate of copper 16 grains, aramotic sulphuric acid 1 drm., water 8 ozs.; mix and dissolve. To be used frequently in chronic and obstinate sore throats. 462. OINTMENT FOR PILES Take of lard 1 oz., solution of subacetate of lead 25 drops, tinc. of opium 1 drm.; mix well. Anoint the parts twice a day. 463. OINTMENT FOR ITCH Take of sublimed sulphur 2 ozs., lard 4 ozs., oil of lavender 1 drm. Make into an ointment. To be rubbed on the parts affected every night, till the eruption disappears. The internal use of sulphur will, in all cases, assist its external application. 464. BLISTERING OINTMENT Take of lard 32 parts, oil of almonds 2 parts, strong liquor of ammonia 17 parts; melt the lard, add the oil, then the ammonia, must be strong, and keep the contents of the bottle well mixed by shaking them until cold. This will blister in half an hour. 465. IODINE OINTMENT Take of iodine 3 grs., lard 2 drms.; make into an ointment; applied to scrofulous swellings when the skin is unbroken. It is the only cure for what is popularly termed thick neck. 466. OINTMENT OF IODINE OF ZINC Take of iodide of zinc 1 drm., lard 1 oz.; make onto an ointment. A drm. to be rubbed on twice a day in tumors. 467. OINTMENT FOR CHILBLAINS Take of lard 7 1/2 drms., creosote 10 drops, solution of subacetate of lead 10 drops, watery extract of opium 1 grain; mix. Apply to the affected parts. 468. OINTMENT FOR DISEASES OF THE SKIN Take of citrine ointment 1 1/2 drm., sublimed sulphur 1 drm., lard 3 ozs.; make an ointment. This is a good application for almost all affections of the skin. 469. EMOLLIENT OINTMENT Take of palm oil 2 lbs., olive oil 1 pint, turpentine 4 oz., red beeswax 6 ozs.; melt the wax in the oils, and then add the turpentine and strain the ointment. This is a most excellent application for inflamed parts, &c. 470. POKE ROOT OINTMENT Take of poke root 3 ozs., lard 1 lb., boil for a quarter of an hour and strain. This ointment has quite a reputation in Virginia, with the old ladies, for all kinds of old sores and ulcers, and it is an excellent application to indolent and purulent ulcers and sores. 471. OINTMENT FOR HYDROCEPHALUS Take of iodide of mercury 2 parts, iodide of potassium 3 parts, camphor 2 parts, lard 32 parts; mix and keep well corked. To be rubbed on the head in hydrocephalus or water on the brain in doses of half a drachm to a drachm. 472. LINAMENT FOR BURNS Take of olive oil 1 oz., linseed oil 1 oz., lime water 1 oz.; mix well. This forms an excellent application for recent scalds and burns 473. VOLATILE LINAMENT Take of olive oil 1 oz., aqua ammonia 1 oz.; mix. To be applied to bruses, rheumatic parts, &c., and to the neck in inflammation of the throat. 474. ALKALINE CATAPLASM Take of lye, rather weak, warm it and stir in of slippery elm bark or flaxseed, or meal sufficient to form a poultice. This is a most excellent poultice, and should be used more than it is. It is useful in inflammation of the breast and other parts, felons, wounds, fistula, &c. 475. ANODYNE FOMENTATION Take of laudanum 4 ozs., water 1 pint; mix. For painful affections of the joints, as chronic rheumatism, &c., hops dipped in hot vinegar will answer as well. 476. COMMON CLYSTER Take of flaxseed tea or cornmeal gruel, from one to two pints, sweet oil 2 or 3 ounces, common salt one teaspoonful, brown sugar two tablespoonsful; mix. 477. ANODYNE CLYSTER Take of a solution of starch in water, of jelly, or water half a pint, laudanum forty drops; mix. The whole to be injected in cases of dysentery, violent purging and pain in the bowels. 478. INJECTION FOR LEUCORRHOEA Take of sulphate of zinc 10 grs., tinc. of opium 1/2 drm., rose water 4 oz.; mix and dissolve. To be injected several times a day. 479 ANOTHER Take of alum 10 grs., rose water 4 oz.; mix and dissolve. To be used frequently. 480. ESSENCE OF BEEF Take of lean beef sliced 1 lb., put it into a bottle or jar closely corked; place this in a vessel of cold water and boil for an hour or more; then decant and skim the liquid. Chicken tea may be made in the same way. For more nourishing and palatable than beef tea, season it to suit the taste. 481. IMPERIAL DRINK Take of cream of tartar one drm., the outer rind of fresh lemon or orange peel half a drm., loaf sugar one ounce, boiling water two pints. When they have stood in a pitcher about ten minutes, strain off the liquor. This makes a beautiful cooling drink, and is an excellent article in fevers. 482. RINGWORM LOTION Take of sublimate of mercury, 5 grains; spirits of wine, 2 oz.; tinc. of musk, 1 drachm; rose water, 6 oz.; mix well, and rub well in. 483. WHISKERS AND MOUSTACHES The best method of promoting the growth of whiskers and moustaches, is to shave the parts frequently, and use as a stimulant the ashes of burned tobacco macerated in bay water. 484 COUGH SYRUP Take of hoarhound, 1 quart; water 1 quart; mix and boil down to a pint; then add two or three sticks of liquorice and a tablespoonful of essence of lemon; dose, a tablespoonful three times a day, or as often as the cough is troublesome. 485. BLACK SALVE Take of sweet oil 1 oz., linseed oil 1 oz., pulverized red lead 1 oz.; put all into an iron dish over a moderate fire, constantly stirring until you can draw your finger over a drop of it on a board, when a little cool, without sticking; when it is done, spread on a cloth and apply as other slaves. 486. SEIDLITZ POWDERS Take of rochelle salts, 2 drachms; bicarbonate of soda, 2 scruples; put these into a blue paper, and put 35 grains of tartaric acid into a white paper. To use, put each into different tumblers, half fill each with water, and put a little loaf sugar in with the acid, then pour them together and drink; this makes a very pleasant cathartic. Effervescing draught is made by leaving out the rochelle salts. 487. CAMPHOR ICE. Take of spermaceti, 1 1/2 oz.; gum camphor, 3/4 oz.; oil of sweet almonds, 4 teaspoonsful; mix, and apply heat just enough to melt all together. Whilst warm, pour into small moulds, then paper, and put up in tin-foil. This, for chaps on hands or lips, cannot be equalled. 488. FOR SALT RHEUM Take a quantity of the pokeweed, any time in summer, pound it, press out the juice, strain it into a pewter dish, and set it in the sun until it acquires the consistency of salve; then put it into an earthen mug, add to it water and beeswax sufficient to make an ointment of common consistency. Simmer the whole over a fire till thoroughly mixed; when cold, it is ready for use. To be rubbed on the part affected. The most obstinate cases have yielded to this in three or four months. Try it. 489. ARTIFICIAL SKIN Dissolve gun cotton in sulphuric ether, and thicken it with gum mucilage. This article touched upon a cut or bruise, forms, immediately, an artificial skin, which cannot be washed off. It is very useful as it obviates the necessity of finger cots or bandages. It is excellent for sore nipples. 490. HAIR RESTORATIVE Take of sugar of lead, 1 oz.; lack sulphur, 1 oz.; essence of bergamot, 1/2.; bay rum, 1 gill; alcohol, 1 gill; and half a teaspoonful of salt; dissolve, first, the sugar of lead and sulphur in the alcohol, then the other ingredients; and add the whole to a gallon of warm soft water, then bottle it tightly, and it is fit for use. To be applied several times a day. This is a most excellent article, give it a trail. 491. TO REMOVE WARTS AND CORNS This is very often done by means of nitrate of silver, or some of the mineral acids; but the best caustic for this purpose is that recommended for cancer in the skin. 492. CANCER IN THE SKIN No one but an impostor will presume to cure a true cancer, containing the cancer cell, and situated in the muscles. Many times hard tumors, not containing the cancer cell, are called cancers, and are removed by different methods, which is very easily accomplished, without a danger of their returning; by which means base quacks become lauded by the illiterate, for their superior skill in banishing this dreadful malady, and the orphan, and finally, in consequence thereof, plunge themselves headlong over yonder precipice of eternal misery. Cancer which are situated in the skin, and are sometimes called spider cancers, &c., may be cured by the following caustic: take of sulphate of iron, 1 part; and acetate of lead, 1 part; pulverize each separately, as fine as possible, and mix well together; then, by means of a probe or knitting-needle, touch the cancer with it every morning for three or four times, and you will be able to draw it all out; after which apply adhesive straps that it may heal. It is used in the same way to destroy corns and warts. In the case of cancer, physic well before applying it. 493. FOR WORMS Give a child one year old 15 drops of spirits of turpentine on sugar, fasting, for three mornings in succession; follow the last dose with a good dose of castor oil; this forms an excellent vermifuge. The dose of spirits of turpentine for a child two years old is 20 drops, three years old 25 drops, four years old 30 drops, &c. 494. SPASMODIC CROUP Genuine croup is indeed of very rare occurrence, and is a fearfully dangerous disease, the only chances are to call in a physician at once. In genuine croup, the child seems to have a cold and is hoarse for a few days previous to the attack; but the fit generally comes on suddenly in spasmodic croup, which may be treated as follows. During the fit put the child in a warm bath, apply hot water to the throat, allow fresh air, and sprinkle the face and chest with cold water. 495. FOR FLATULENCY Make a tea of the seeds of anise, caraway, and coriander, and drink freely of it. 496. FOR HICCOUGH Take five drops of oil of anise on sugar when they commence to be troublesome. 497. FOR HEARTBURN This is a very disagreeable sensation, but may be banished by taking a teaspoonful of carbonate of soda dissolved in half a tumbler full of sweetened water. 498. ERYSIPELAS This when very bad needs the attendance of a physician; when not so bad, paint the inflamed part over with white lead, mixed with paint oil, it is an excellent remedy. 499. FOR FELON Poultice well with flaxseed meal until matter begins to form, then at once have it well laid open with a lance, continue the poultice for some time afterwards. 500. HAIR RESTORATIVE Take of black mustard seed 1/2 oz., red pepper 15 grains, blood root 1/2 oz., cantharides 15 grains, castile soap 1/2 oz., alcohol one quart; mix all together in a bottle, let stand for a week, occasionally shaking. Perfume with oil of bergamot, and apply three or four times a day. 501. TO KILL RATS AND MICE WITHOUT POISON Slice up a quantity of corks, grease, and scent them with oil of anise; throw them in the way of the rats and mice; they will eat, but cannot digest them; the result is they will die. 502. EYE WATER One part of good brandy, to six of clean rain or distilled water, makes an admirable eye water for most cases of sore eyes. 503. FOR CHRONIC GOUT AND RHEUMATISM Take of bicarbonate of potash 1/2 drachm, tincture of orange 2 drachms, compound decoction of aloes 8 oz., mix. Dose, a wine glass full whenever the fit is expected. This is Sir A. Cooper's prescription. 504. FOR SICKNESS AND VOMITING Take of creosote 16 drops, acetic acid 16 drops, compound spirit of juniper 1 oz., syrup 1 oz., water 14 oz.; mix the creosote with the acid, add gradually the water, and lastly the syrup and spirit. Dose from two to four tablespoonsful. 505. LAXATIVE PILL Take of powdered aloes 1 drachm, gamboge 10 grains, Castile soap and water sufficient to make a pill mass; mix and divide into 34 pills. Dose, one two, or three, to be given when necessary, for torpid bowels. 506. FOR HEADACHE In case of a severe attack of headache the best remedy is, generally, to take a good strong physic of salts and senna. If this does not relieve it, or where the person is very frequently troubled with headache, apply a blister to the back of the neck, you will find it an excellent remedy. 507. ANTIDOTES FOR POISONS The antidotes for poisoning with the strong mineral acids, such as nitric, muriatic, sulphuric, or oxalic acids are magnesia, chalk, whiting, in milk or water; mucilaginous or soapy liquids. When sulphuric acid has been taken, use very little water if any. Irritate the throat with a feather to produce vomiting. The antidote for poisoning with corrosive sublimate or any other preparation of mercury, is albumen, as whites of eggs, in large quantity, flour and water, and milk. The whites of eggs are best. The antidotes for poisoning by opium, or any of its preparations, as morphia, laudanum, &c., are the stomach pump if it can be had; emetic of tartar emetic, 2 to 5 grains, or sulphate of zinc, 15 to 30 grains, or sulphate of copper, 12 to 15 grs., for an adult. The sulphates of zinc or copper are best, because they act quicker. External excitation, keep in motion, mechanical excitement of respiration, cold effusion to the head and face, feet in hot water, electro-magnetism, internal stimulants, as bicarbonate of ammonia, 5 to 25 grains in water, carbonate of ammonia, 5 to 15 grains, in water, coffee and vegetable acids. Some propose as an antidote for every case of poisoning, half a pint of bland oil, as sweet oil, fresh butter melted to oil, &c., to be drank at once, for an adult. 508. TREATMENT OF DROWNING If respiration has ceased when the body is taken out of the water, it should instantly be commenced artificially, by putting a pipe into one nostril, and closing the mouth and the other nostril, and very gently blowing through it about 15 times in a minute; but it is a better plan to use a small pair of bellows, putting its muzzle into the nostril, at the same time the body should be wiped dry, and be assiduously rubbed with hot cloths; hot bricks and bottles of hot water should be put into the armpit, between the thighs, and to the feet; the head should be raised, the nostrils irritated with a feather, or the fumes of hartshorn, and a warm injection of turpentine, made as follows, may be thrown up - oil of turpentine, 3 drachms; gruel, 1/2 pint; and the yolk of 1 egg. Incorporate the turpentine with the egg, then add the gruel. Galvanism should be resorted to, if respiration is not quickly restored. As soon as the patient can swallow, he should have some weak wine and water; and soon afterwards an emetic of a large tablespoonful of mustard, mixed with 6 ozs. of water, to clear the stomach of the water which he has swallowed, and to restore the circulation by the impetus of vomiting. After some hours he will suffer from severe headache and fever, which must be relieved by bleeding, purgatives, &c., which will be attended to by a physician, who will be present by this time. A case is related in which life was restored by the most persevering friction, which was kept up for eight hours before the humanity of the surgeon, Dr. Douglass, of Havre, was rewarded by a return of respiration. 509. GOOD SAMARITAN OR PAIN-KILLER Take of 95 percent alcohol 2 quarts, and add to it the following articles: oils of sarsafras and hemlock, spirits of turpentine, balsam of fir, chloriform, tincture of catechu and guaiacum, of each 1 oz., oil of origanum 2 oz., oil of wintergreen 1/2 oz., and gum of camphor, 1/2 oz. Let it all be well incorporated and you have the most excellent pain killer that was ever made. It is good for rheumatism, headache, neuralgia, cuts, sprains, burns, bruises, spinal affections, ear-ache, tooth-ache, sore throat, &c. This is used internally and externally, the dose internally is 10 drops; take on sugar. *** ============================================================================= Another text file from Stonehenge BBS [415] 479-8328 =============================================================================