Eight Fun-Filled Days and Glorious Nights... or What the Travel Agent Said (and what she really meant) Ever get the feeling that your travel agent for your last vacation had never been to whereever it was she sent you? Here's a short primer for reading between the lines of his hype. Travel Agent (or Brochure) English Meaning -------------------------- --------------- All the amenities Free shower cap Stately Needs renovation Aristocratic Needs major renovation Gentle breezes Gale-force winds Picturesque Theme park/Mystery House nearby Airy No air conditioning Brisk Freezing Carefree natives Terrible service Bustling metropolis Hoards of hostile natives Open bar Free Ice Cubes Plush Top AND Bottom Sheets Spacious Quarters Sparsely furnished rooms Surprizing Bargains Save on Coconut Bird Feeders Convenient Bring Bus Fare Motorcoach Bus Deluxe Motorcoach Clean Windows on Bus Unique No one else would do it like this (they wouldn't dare) Quaint Run-down Warmed by the Gulf Stream Cold Cooled by the Humboldt Current Hot Off the Beaten Path People have stopped coming here Remote People NEVER came here Standard Substandard Deluxe Standard Superior Free Soap Undiscovered Not worth discovering Authentic Native Dishes Inedible but Cheap Playground of the Stars Mel Torme once stayed here If you like being pampered You CAN get waited upon Exquisite Cuisine Limited Menu Choice of Menu Chicken Tree-lined Boulevards No sight-seeing Old-World Charm No Bath Carriage Trade No Kids or Pets Sun-drenched Arid Desert Wasteland Tropical Monsoons year-round Majestic Setting A long way from town Panoramic Vista A VERY long way from town Options Galore Nothing is included in your itinerary Secluded Hideaway Impossible to find ...too numerous to mention I've never been near the place Preregistered rooms Already occupied Leisurely transfer Boring bus ride Explore on your own Pay for it yourself Knowledgeable Tour Hosts They's flown before Nominal Charge Extortion "Thieves" Market Thieves Dare to be DIFFERENT!!! Dare to be STUPID!!! (Wierd Al) Mystery Tour Regular Tour Cancelled No extra fees No Extras Steeped in History Old and Retarded Tipping is considered an insult The natives LOVE to be insulted ... and Much, Much More!!! Thats's about ALL there is