Guide to BAPTIS??.ZIP Files from the Canadian Baptist Hymnal .MID extension are Standard MIDI Files - Each file consists of 1 verse (4 tracks = Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) Some hymns contain an optional Descant part (higher than soprano) - A complete arrangement can be constructed by editing the file to create an introduction, repeated verses and an "Amen" ending. - The hymnal is a project of Jim McEachern... sysop of the Digital Music Domain BBS. Latest versions can be obtained by calling the BBS at (705)292-6271 or through a Christian Distribution Network (CDN) bulletin board. - One of the principal aims of this project is to bring music to smaller churches which may not have an organist but do have some MIDI equipment. A creative music hobbyist could prepare a service from these files. - Any inquiries should be addressed to : Jim McEachern R.R.#1 - 947 Ward St. Bridgenorth, Ont. K0L 1H0 voice : (705)292-7020