/ Abaddon (Abaddon; a destroying angel) / 9:11 in the Hebrew tongue is A'. / / able (dunaamai; to be able or possible) / 5:3 was a' to open the book, 13:4 is a' to make war with him? / 6:17 who shall be a' to stand? 15:8 was a' to enter into the temple / / abominable, abomination, abominations (bdelugma, bdeluktos, bdelusso; / abhor, abominable) / 17:4 full of a' and filthiness of 17:5 mother of harlots and a' of the / 21:8 unbelieving, and the a' 21:27 worketh a', or maketh a lie / / abundance (dunamis; ability, abundance, meaning, might) / 18:3 the a' of her delicacies / / according (kata, hos; about, according as to) / 2:23 a' to your works, 21:17 a' to the measure of man, / 18:6 double a' to her works 22:12 to give every man a' as his work/ 20:12,13 a' to their works, / / accused, accuser (katecho, kategoreo; to charge, to accuse) / 12:10 which a' them before God 12:10 for the a' of our brethren / / add (epitithemi; add unto, lay upon, put on, set on) / 22:18 If any man shall a' unto 22:18 God shall a' unto him / / adorned (kosmeo; adorn, garnish, trim) / 21:2 as a bride a' for her husband. / / adultery (moicheuo; commit adultery) / 2:22 and them that commit a' / / afar (makrothen; afar off, from afar) / 18:10 Standing a' off for the fear 18:17 many as trade by sea, stood a' / 18:15 shall stand a' off for the fear / / affrighted (emphobos; affrighted, afraid, tremble) / 11:13 remnant were a', and gave glory / / / against (kata, meta, pros; about, according to, against) / 2:4 I have somewhat a' thee 12:7 his angels fought a' the dragon / 2:14 I have a few things a' thee 13:6 his mouth is blasphemy a' God / 2:16 will fight a'them with the 19:19 war a' him that sat on the horse/ 2:20 I have a few things a' thee 19:19 and a' his army / 11:7 shall make war a' them, / / agree (gnome; agree, mind, purpose, will) / 17:17 fulfil his will, and to a' / / air (aer; air, atmosphere) / 9:2 the sun and the a' were 16:17 poured out his vial into the a' / / alas (oua; ah, alas) / 18:10 A', a' that great city 18:16 A', a' that great city, that was/ 18:19 A', a' that great city, / / alive (zao; life, alive) / 1:18 behold, I am a' for evermore 19:20 both were cast a' into a lake / 2:8 which was dead, and is a' / / Alleluia (allelouia; praise ye Jah!) / 19:1 people in heaven saying A'; 19:4 the throne, saying, Amen; A'. / 19:3 they said A'. 19:6 mighty thunderings, saying A' / / Almighty (pantokrator; Almighty, Omnipotent) / 1:8 and which is to come, the A' 16:7 Lord God A', true and righteous / 4:8 Holy, holy, holy. Lord God A' 16:14 the great day of God A' / 11:17 O Lord God A', which art, 19:15 and wrath of A' God / 15:3 thy works, Lord God A': 21:22 The Lord God A' and th lamb / / Alpha (a; first letter of the Greek alphabet) / 1:8 I am A' and Omega, the begin- 21:6 I am A' and Omega, the beginning/ 1:11 I am A' and Omega, the first 22:13 I am A' and Omega, the beginning/ / altar (thusiasterion; altar, a place of sacrifice) / 6:9 under the a' the souls 9:13 horns of the golden a' / 8:3 stood at the a', having a 11:1 the temple of God, and the a' / 8:3 all saints upon the golden a' 14:18 angel came out from the a' / 8:5 filled it with fire of the a' 16:7 I heard another out of the a' / / Amen (amen; surely, verily, so be it, it is true) / 1:6 dominion for ever and ever. A' 7:12 Saying, A': Blessing and glory, / 1:7 because of him. Even so A'. 7:12 our God for ever and ever. A'. / 1:18 I am alive for ever more, A'; 19:4 Sat on the throne, saying, A'; / 3:14 These things saith the A'. 22:20 A'. Even so come, Lord Jesus / 5:14 And the four beasts said, A'. 22:21 Jesus Christ be with you all. A'/ / amethyst (amethustos; semiprecious stone, purple or violet in color) / 21:20 a jacinth; the twelfth, an a'. / / angel (aggelos; a messenger) / 1:1 and signified it by his a' 10:9 I went unto the a' and said / 2:1 a' of the church of Ephesus 11:1 the a' stood, saying, Rise / 2:8 a' of the church in Smyrna 11:15 the seventh a' sounded; / 2:12 a' of the church in Pergamos 14:6 I say another a' fly in the / 2:18 a' of the church in Thyatira 14:8 and there followed another a' / 3:1 a' of the church in Sardis 14:9 the third a' followed them / 3:7 a' of the church in Phila... 14:15 ,17 a' came out of the temple / 3:14 a' of the church of the Lao... 14:18 another a' came out from the / 5:2 I saw a strong a' proclaiming 14:19 a' thrust in his sickle / 7:2 another a' ascending from the 16:3 the second a' poured out his / 8:3 a' came and stood at the 16:4 the third a' poured out his / 8:5 the a' took the censer, 16:5 I heard the a' of the waters / 8:7 The first a' sounded 16:8 the fourth a' poured out his / 8:8 the second a' sounded, 16:10 the fifth a' poured out his / 8:10 the third a' sounded, 16:12 the sixth a' poured out his / 8:12 the fourth a' sounded, 16:17 the seventh a' poured out his / 8:13 an a' flying through the 17:7 and the a' said unto me / 9:1 the fifth a' sounded, 18:1 I saw another a' come down / 9:11 which is the a' of the 18:21 a mighty a' took up a stone / 9:13 and the sixth a' sounded, 19:17 I saw an a' standing in the sun / 9:14 saying to the sixth a' 20:1 and I saw an a' come down / 10:1 And I saw another mighty a' 21:17 of a man, that is, of the a' / 10:5 a' which I saw stand upon 22:6 his a' to show unto his servants/ 10:7 of the voice of the seventh a' 22:8 before the feet of the a' / 10:8 open in the hand of the a' 22:16 have sent mine a' to testify / / angel's (aggelos; a messenger) / 8:4 before God out of the a' hand 10:10 little book out of the a' hand / / angels (aggelos; a messenger) / 1:20 the a' of the seven churches 12:7 Michael and his a' fought / 3:5 my Father, and before his a' 12:7 the dragon fought and his a' / 5:11 the voice of many a' around 12:9 his a' were cast out with him / 7:1 I saw four a' standing on the 14:10 in the presence of the holy a' / 7:2 a loud voice to the four a' 15:1 seven a' having the seven last / 7:11 all the a' stood around 15:6 seven a' came out of the temple / 8:2 saw the seven a' which stood 15:7 unto the seven a' seven golden / 8:6 a' which had the seven trumpets 15:8 of the seven a' were fulfilled / 8:13 the trumpet of the three a' 16:1 saying to the seven a' / 9:14 Loose the four a' which are 17:1 one of the seven a' which had / 9:15 and the four a' were loosed 21:9 one of the seven a' which had / 21:12 at the gates twelve a' / / angry (orgizo; be angry, be wroth) / 11:18 nations were a', and thy wrath / / anoint (egchrio; anoint, to rub in oil) / 3:18 a' thine eyes with eyesalve / / answered (apokrinomai; to answer, to reply) / 7:13 one of the elders a', saying / / apostles (apostolos; a delegate, a messenger) / 2:2 them which say they are a' 18:20 ye holy a' and prophets / 21:14 names of the twelve a' of / / appear, appeared (phaneroo, optomai; appear, show self) / 3:18 of thy nakedness do not a' 12:3 a' another wonder in heaven / 12:1 a' a great wonder in heaven / / ark (kibotos; a box) / 11:19 was seen in his temple the a' / / Armageddon (Armageddon or Har-Megiddon; the mountain of Megiddo) / 16:16 in the Hebrew tongue A' / / army, armies (strateuma; army, soldier/s, men of war) / 9:16 number of the a' of the 19:19 on the horse, and against his a'/ 19:14 the a' which were in heaven 19:19 and their a' gathered together / / / ascend, ascendeth, ascending, ascent (anabaino; arise, ascend, come up) / 7:2 another angel a' from the 8:4 a' up before God out of the / 11:7 that a' out of the bottomless 11:12 they a' up to heaven on a cloud / 14:11 their torment a' up for ever 17:8 shall a' out of the bottomless / / Asher (awshare; happiness) / 7:6 Of the tribe of A' were sealed / / Asia (Asia; the continent Asia Minor, usually only its western shore) / 1:4 seven churches which are in A' 1:11 seven churches which are in A' / / athirst (dipsao; to be thirsty) / 21:6 I will give to him that is a' 22:17 let him that is a' come / / authority (exousia; authority, jurisdiction, power, strength) / 13:2 and his seat, and great a' / / avenge, avenged (ekdikesis, krino; avenge, condemn, judgment) / 6:10 dost thou not judge and a' our 18:20 God hath a' you on her / 19:2 hath a' the blood of his servants / / / Babylon (Babulon; the capital of Chaldaea (confusion)) / 14:8 B' is fallen, is fallen 18:2 B' the great is fallen / 16:19 great B' came in remembrance 18:10 the great city B', that mighty / 17:5 B' the great, the mother of 18:21 great city B' be thrown down / / backside (opisthen; after, backside, behind) / 5:1 written within and on the b' / / Balaam (Balaam; a false teacher, devouring or devourer) / 2:14 doctrine of B', who taught / / balances (zugos; balance, pair of balances, yoke, scales) / 6:5 had a pair of b' in his hand / / bare (martureo, poieo; to give witness, to make or do) / 1:2 Who b' record of the word of 22:2 which b' twelve manner of fruits/ / barley (krithe; barley grain) / 6:6 three measures of b' for a / / battle (pelomia; battle, fight, war) / 9:7 horses prepared unto b' 16:14 to the b' of that great day of / 9:9 of many horses running to b' 20:8 to gather them together to b' / / bear (bastazo; bear, carry take up: arktos; a bear(obstructing by ferocity))/ 2:2 canst not b' them which are 13:2 feet were as the feet of a b' / / beast (zoon; a living thing, a beast: therion; a dangerous animal) / 4:7 the first b' was like a lion 13:17 or the name of the b' / 4:7 and the second b' like a calf 13:18 count the number of the b' / 4:7 third b' had a face as a man 14:9 If any man worship the b' / 4:7 and the fourth b' was like a 14:11 who worship the b' and his / 6:3 I heard the second b' say 15:2 the victory over the b' / 6:5 I heard the third b' say 16:2 the mark of the b' / 6:7 the voice of the fourth b' say 16:10 vial upon the seat of the b' / 11:7 the b' that ascendeth out of 16:13 out of the mouth of the b' / 13:1 saw a b' rise out of the sea 17:3 upon a scarlet coloured b' / 13:2 the b' which I saw was like 17:7 of the b' that carried her / 13:3 world wondered after the b' 17:8 The b' that thou sawest was / 13:4 power unto the b',and they 17:8 the b' that was, and is not / 13:4 worshipped the b', saying 17:11 the b' that was, and is not / 13:4 Who is like unto the b'? 17:12 as kings one hour with the b' / 13:11 I beheld another b' coming 17:13 power and strength unto the b' / 13:12 the power of the first b' 17:16 which thou sawest upon the b' / 13:12 therein to worship the first b' 17:17 give their kingdom unto the b' / 13:14 to do in the sight of the b' 19:19 And I saw the b', and the kings / 13:15 unto the image of the b' 19:20 And the b' was taken / 13:15 of the b' should both speak 19:20 received the mark of the b' / 13:15 worship the image of the b' 20:4 had not worshipped the b' / 20:10 the b' and the false prophet / / beasts (zoon; a living thing, a beast: therion; a dangerous animal) / 4:6 were four b' full of eyes 6:1 one of the four b' saying / 4:8 the four b' had each of them 6:6 in the midst of the four b' / 4:9 those b' gave glory and honour 6:8 and with the b' of the earth / 5:6 the throne and of the four b' 7:11 the elders and the four b' / 5:8 four b' and the four and twenty 14:3 the four b', and the elders / 5:11 about the throne and the b' 15:7 of the four b' gave unto the / 5:14 And the four b' said, Amen 19:4 elders and the four b' fell down/ / beasts (ktenos; a domestic animal, beast) / 18:13 and b', and sheep, and horses / / bed (kline; bed, table) / 2:22 I will cast her into a b' / / behold (idou; behold, lo, see) / 1:7 B', he cometh with clouds 6:8 I looked, and b' a pale horse / 1:18 b', I am alive for ever more 9:12 b', there come two more woes / 2:10 b', the devil shall cast some 11:14 b', the third woe cometh / 2:22 B', I will cast her into a bed 12:3 and b' a great red dragon / 3:8 b', I have set before thee a 14:14 I looked, and b' a white cloud / 3:9 B', I will make them of the 15:5 b', the temple of the tabernacle/ 3:9 b', I will make them to come 16:15 B', I come as a thief. Blessed / 3:11 B', I come quickly 17:8 when they b' the beast / 3:20 B', I stand at the door and 19:11 opened, and b' a white horse / 4:1 and b', a door was opened in 21:3 B', the tabernacle of God is / 4:2 and, b', a throne was set in 21:5 said, B, I make all things new / 5:5 b', the lion of the tribe of 23:7 B', I come quickly, blessed / 6:2 I saw, and b', a white horse 22:12 b', I come quickly / / belly (koilia; belly, the heart, the womb) / 10:9 it shall make thy b' bitter 10:10 I had eaten it, my b' was bitter/ / beloved (agapao; loved one) / 20:9 the saint above, and the b' city / / Benjamin (Beniamin; son of the right hand) / 7:8 Of the tribe of B' were sealed / / bewail (klaio; bewail, weep) / 18:9 shall b' her, and lament for her / / bird (oreon; bird, fowl) / 18:2 of every unclean and hateful b' / / birth (odino; travail in birth) / 12:2 cried, travailing in b' / / bitter (pikraino; to make bitter) / 8:11 because they were made b' 10:10 has eaten it, my belly was b' / 10:9 it shall make thy belly b' / / black (melas; black) / 5:5 I beheld, and lo a b' horse 6:12 sun became b' as sackcloth / / blaspheme, blasphemed, blasphemies, blasphemy (blasphemeo; defame, speak evil)/ 2:9 I know the b' of them which 16:9 heat, and b' the name of God / 13:1 upon his heads the name of b' 16:11 b' the God of heaven because / 13:5 speaking great things and b' 16:21 men b' God because of the plague/ 13:6 he opened his mouth in b' 17:3 full of names of b' / / blessed, blessing (makarios; blessed, happy: eulogia; blessing, fair speech) / 1:3 B' is he that readeth 16:15 B' is he that watcheth / 5:12 honour, and glory and b' 19:9 B' are they which are called / 5:13 B', and honour, and glory 20:6 B' and holy is he that hath / 7:12 B', and glory, and wisdom 22:7 b' is he that keepeth the / 14:13 B' are the dead which die 2:15 B' are they that do his / / blind (tuphlos; blind, unseeing) / 3:17 and poor, and b' and naked / / blood (haima; blood of men or animals) / 1:5 us from our sins in his b' 16:3 it became as the b' of a dead / 5:9 redeemed us to God by thy b' 16:4 of waters; and they became b' / 6:10 not judge and avenge our b' 16:6 shed the b' of saints and / 6:12 and the moon became as b' 16:6 hast given them b' to drink / 7:14 white in the b' of the Lamb 17:6 drunken with the b' of the / 8:7 hail and fire mingled with b' 17:6 with the b' of the martyrs / 8:8 part of the sea became b' 18:24 in her name was found the b' / 11:6 waters to turn them to b' 19:2 avenged the b' of his servants / 12:11 by the blood of the Lamb 19:13 with a vesture dipped in b' / / blow (pneo; blow, breeze) / 7:1 wind should not b' on the earth / / bodies (ptoma; body, corpse) / 11:8 their dead bodies shall lie 11:9 shall suffer their dead b' / 11:9 shall see their dead b' / / bond (doulos; bond servant) / 13:16 rich and poor, free and b' 19:18 of all men, both free and b' / / book, books (biblion, biblos; book, scroll, writing) / 1:11 thou seest, write in a book 17:8 were not written in the b' / 3:5 his name out of the b' 20:12 the books were opened / 5:1 on the throne a b' written 20:12 another book was opened / 5:2 Who is worthy to open the b' 20:12 which is the b' of life / 5:3 was able to open the b' 20:12 which were written the b' / 5:4 to open and read the b' 20:15 not found written in the b' / 5:7 he came and took the b' 21:27 written in the Lamb's b' / 5:8 when he had taken the b' 21:9 keep the sayings of this b' / 5:9 art worthy to take the b' 21:10 of the prophecy of this b' / 10:2 in his hand a little b' open 21:18 of the prophecy of this b' / 10:8 when he had taken the b' 21:18 that are written in this b' / 10:9 Give me the little b' 21:19 away from the words of the b' / 10:10 I took the little b' out of 21:19 away his part out of the b' / 13:8 not written in the b' of life 21:19 which are written in this b' / / born (tikto; bear, to bring forth) / 12:4 her child as soon as it was b' / / borne (bastazo; bear, carry) / 2:3 hast b', and hast patience / / both (kai, tei; both, even for) / 13:15 of the beast should b' speak 19:18 all men, b' free and bond / 13:16 he causeth all, b' small and 19:18 b' small and great / 19:5 ye that hear him, b' small / / both (duo; two, both twain) / 19:20 b' were cast alive into a lake / / bound (deo; bind, tie, knit) / 9:14 the four angels which are b' 20:2 Satan, and b' him a thousand / / bow (toxon; bow) / 6:2 he that sat on him had a b' / / brass (chalkeos, chalkolibanon, chalkos; coppery, brass, money) / 1:15 his feet like unto fine b' 9:20 of gold, and silver, and b' / 2:18 his feet are like fine b' 18:12 and of b', and iron, and marble / / breadth (platos; breadth, width) / 20:9 they went up on the b' of the 21:16 and the b' and the height of it / 21:16 length is as large as the b' / / breasts (stethos; bosoms, breasts) / 15:6 b' girdled with golden girdles / / brethren (adelphos; brother, brethren) / 6:11 fellow servants also and their b'19:10 thy b' that have the testimony / 12:10 accuser of our b' is cast down 22:9 of thy b' the prophets / / bride (numphe; bride, daughter in law) / 18:23 the b' shall be heard no more 21:9 show the b', the Lamb's wife / 21:2 prepared as a b' adorned for 22:17 the Spirit and the b' say / / bridegroom (numphios; bridegroom) / 18:23 and the voice of the b' / / bright (lampros; bright, clear, gay, goodly) / 22:16 the b' and morning star / / brimstone (theion, theiodes; sulphur, sulphur-like) / 9;17 of fire, and of jacinth, of b' 19:20 lake of fire burning with b' / 9:17 issued fire and smoke and b' 20:10 the lake of fire and b' / 9:18 the smoke, and by the b' 21:8 which burneth with fire and b' / / bring (phero; bear, carry, bring) / 21:24 do b' their glory and honour 21:26 shall b' the glory and honour / / broken (suntribo; bruise, break) / 2:27 of the potter shall they be b' / / brother (adelphos; near kin, brother) / 1:9 I John who also am your b' / / brought (tikto; be delivered, bring forth) / 12:5 And she b' forth a man child 12:13 which b' forth the man child / / building (endomesis; a structure, building) / 21:18 the b' of the wall of it was / / burden (baros; burden, weight) / 2:24 will put upon you none other b' / / burn, burned, burneth, burnings, burnt (katakaio, kaio; burn, burn up) / 1:15 as if they b' in a furnace 17:16 and b' her with fire / 4:5 lamps of fire b' before the 18:8 she shall be utterly b' with / 8:7 third part of trees were b' up 18:9 shall see the smoke of her b' / 8:7 all the green grass was b' up 18:18 saw the smoke of her b' / 8:8 a great mountain b' with fire 19:20 lake of fire b' with brimstone / 8:10 b' as it were a lamp 21:8 in the lake which b' with fire / / buy, buyeth (agorazo; buy, redeem) / 3:18 I counsel thee to b' of me gold 18:11 for no man b' their merchandise / 13:17 that no man might b' or sell / / cage (phulake; a hold, a container) / 18:2 a c' of every unclean, and / / calf (moschos; a young bullock) / 4:7 the second beast like a c' / / called, calleth (kaleo, kletos; to invite, to bid, call forth) / 1:9 in the isle that is c' Patmos 16:16 c' in the hebrew tongue / 2:20 which c' herself a prophetess 17:14 that are with him are c' / 8:11 of the star is c' Wormwood 19:9 which are c' unto the marriage / 11:8 spiritually is c' Sodom and 19:11 him was c' Faithful and True / 12:9 serpent, c' the Devil 19:13 his name is c' The word of God / / camp (parembole; army, camp, castle) / 20:9 compassed the c' of the saints / / candlestick, candlesticks (luchnia; lampstand, lampstands) / 1:12 turned, I saw seven golden c' 2:1 midst of the seven golden c' / 1:13 midst of the seven golden c' 2:5 remove thy c' out of his place / 1:20 hand, and the seven golden c' 11:4 the two c' standing before the / 1:20 seven c' which thou sawest / / canst (dunamat; unable) / 2:2 how thou c' not bear them / / captains (chiliarchos; commander of a thousand soldiers) / 6:15 the rich men, and the chief c' 19:18 of kings, and the flesh of c' / / captivity (aichmalosia; detained, captivity) / 13:10 leadeth into c' shall go into c' / / carried (potamophoretos; carried away of a flood) / 12:15 her to be c' away of the flood / / carried, carrieth (appohero; bring carry) / 17:3 he c' me away in the spirit 21:10 c' me away in the spirit / 17:7 and of the beast that c' her / / cast, casteth (ballo; strike, throw thrust) / 2:10 the devil shall c' some of you 12:13 saw that he was c' into / 2:14 Balak to c' a stumblingblock 12:15 serpent c' out of his mouth / 2:22 I will c' her into a bed 12:16 dragon c' out of his mouth / 4:10 c' their crowns before the 14:19 c' it into the great winepress / 8:5 c' it into the earth 18:19 they c' dust on their heads / 6:13 as a fig tree c' her untimely 18:21 millstone, and c' it into the / 8:7 they were c' upon the earth 19:20 both were cast live into a / 8:8 burning with fire was c' into 20:3 c' him into the bottomless pit / 12:4 of heaven, and did c' them 20:10 was c' into the lake of fire / 12:9 the great dragon was c' out 20:14 death and hell were c' into / 12:9 he was c' out into the earth 20:15 was c' into the lake of fire / 12:10 of our brethren is c' down / / caught (haroazo; to pluck away, to pull up) / 12:5 her child was c' up unto God / / censer (libanotos; a fire holder, incense burner) / 8:3 the altar, having a golden c' 8:3 took the c', and filled it with / / chain (halusis; bonds, chains) / 20:1 a great c' in his hands / / chariots (harma, rheda; a wheeled wagon) / 9:9 the sound of c' of many horses 18:13 and horses, and c', and slaves / / charity (agape; benevolence) / 2:19 I know thy works, and c' / / chasten (paideuo; instruct, discipline) / 3:19 as I love, I rebuke and c' / / chief (chiliarchos; commander of a thousand soldiers) / 6:15 c' captains, and the mighty men / / child (gaster; with child) / 12:2 And she being with c' / / child (teknon; child, son) / 12:4 to devour her c' as soon as it 12:5 her c' was caught up unto God / 12:5 she brought forth a man c' 12:13 which brought forth the man c' / / children (huios; child, foal, son) / 2:14 before the c' of Israel 7:4 all the tribes of the c' of / 2:23 I will kill her c' with death 21:12 tribes of the c' of Israel / / chosen (eklektos; chosen, elect) / 17:14 him are called, and c' / / Christ (Christos; the Anointed, the Messiah) / 1:1 Revelation of Jesus C' 12:10 and the power of his C' / 1:2 testimony of Jesus C' 12:17 the testimony of jesus C' / 1:5 from jesus C', who is the 20:4 reigned with C' a thousand years/ 1:9 and patience of Jesus C' 20:6 be priests of God and of C' / 1:9 for the testimony of Jesus C' 22:21 Lord Jesus C' be with you all / 11:15 of our Lord, and of his C' / / church, churches (ekklesia; assembly, the elect) / 1:4 John to the seven c' which are 2:17 the Spirit saith unto the c' / 1:11 and send it unto the seven c' 2:18 angel of the c'in Thyatira / 1:20 are the angels of the seven c' 2:23 the c' shall know that I am / 1:20 thou sawest are the seven c' 2:29 the Spirit saith unto the c' / 2:1 the angel of the c' of Ephesus 3:1 angel of the c' in Sardis / 2:7 the Spirit saith unto the c' 3:6,13,22 Spirit saith unto the c' / 2:8 angel of the c' of Smyrna 3:7 angel of the c, in Philadelphia / 2:11 the Spirit saith unto the c' 3:14 of the c' of the Laodiceans / 2:12 angel of the c' in Pergamos 22:16 unto you these things in the c' / / cinnamon (kinamomon; cinnamon, a herb) / 18:13 c', and odours, and ointments / / city, cities (polis; a town, city) / 3:12 name of the c' of my God 20:9 saints about, and the beloved c'/ 11:2 holy c' shall they tread under 21:2 the holy c', new Jerusalem / 11:8 in the street of the great c' 21:10 showed me that great c' / 11:13 the tenth part of the c' fell 21:14 the c' had twelve foundations / 14:8 is fallen, that great c' 21:15 golden reed to measure the c' / 14:20 was trodden without the c' 21:16 And the c' lieth foursquare / 16:19 the great c' was divided 21:16 measured the c' with the reed / 16:19 and the c' of the nations 21:18 the c' was pure gold / 17:18 the great c', which reigneth 21:19 of the wall of the c' / 18:10 c' Babylon, that mighty c' 21:21 street of the c' was pure gold / 18:16 great c', that was clothed 21:23 the c' had no need of the sun / 18:18 c' is like unto this great c' 22:14 through the gates into the c' / 18:19 alas that great c' 22:19 out of the holy c' / 18:21 c' Babylon be thrown down / / clean (katharos; clean, clear, pure) / 19:8 in fine linen, c' and white 19:14 in fine linen, white and c' / / clear (krustallizo; clear as crystal) / 21:11 a jasper stone, c' as crystal 22:1 water of life, c' as crystal / 21:18 pure gold, like unto c' glass / / clothed (enduo, periballo; array, clothe / 1:13 c' with a garment down to 11:3 threescore days, c' in sackcloth/ 3:5 be c' in white raiment 12:1 a woman c' with the sun / 3:18 that thou mayest be c' 15:6 c' in pure and white linen / 4:4 sitting, c' in white raiment 18:16 city, that was c' in fine linen / 7:9 c' with white robes 19:13 c' with a vesture dipped in / 10:1 from heaven, c' with a cloud 19:14 c' in fine linen, white and / / cloud, clouds (nephele; a cloud) / 1:7 Behold he cometh with c' 14:14 and behold a white c, / 10:1 from heaven, clothed with a c' 14:14 the c' one sat like unto the Son/ 11:12 ascended up to heaven in a c' 14:15 to him that sat on the c' / 14:16 on the c' thrust in his sickle / / cold (psuchros; chilly, cold) / 3:15 thou are neither c' nor hot 3:16 and neither c' nor not / 3:15 I would thou wert c' or hot / / colour, coloured (prophasis; an outward showing, appearance, colour) / 17:3 sit upon a scarlet c' beast 17:4 arrayed in purple and scarlet c'/ / commandments (entole: precept, commandment) / 12:17 which keep the c' of God 22:14 Blessed are they that do his c' / 14:12 are that keep the c' of God / / commit, committed (porneuo; to commit fornication, practice idolatry) / 2:14 idols, and to c' fornication 17:2 of the earth have c' fornication/ 2:20 c' fornication, and to eat 18:3 have c' fornication with her / 2:22 them that c' adultery with her 18:9 have c' fornication and lived / / company (homilos; a multitude, crowd, company) / 18:17 all the c' in ships, and sailors / / compass (kukloo; to encircle, surround) / 20:9 and c' the camp of the saints / / confess (exomologeo; profess, promise, confess) / 3:5 c' his name before my Father / / corners (gonia; quarter, corner) / 7:1 on the four c' of the earth / / corrupt (phthio; defile, destroy, corrupt) / 19:2 which did c' the earth with her / / counsel (sumbouleuo; recommend, deliberate, consult, counsel) / 3:18 I c' thee to buy of me gold / / count (psephizo; count, to compute) / 13:18 understanding c' the number / / countenance (opsis; appearance, face, countenance) / 1:16 his c' was as the sun shineth / / court (aule; court, hall, palace) / 11:2 c' which is without the temple / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /