----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is reproduced from the April 1992 GeoBytes newsletter available on AOL. It makes a number of references to GeoWorks Pro but I see no reason why it shouldn't work with all GeoWorks version and perhaps even the working models...but no promises! :-) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vprint : print pc/geos files from a computer without pc/geos by GWRepRose (AOL Screen Name) Vprint is a handy little utility that directs printer output to a disk file instead of to your printer. It loads into your computer's memory as a TSR (terminate and stay resident program) and prints your document, including the printer's instructions, to a file. Later, at another computer that doesn't have GeoWorks and does have a laser or other printer connected, you can print the file from the DOS prompt. Your document will print exactly as though you were printing it from within GeoWorks, including graphics and fonts. Here are my steps for using VPRINT with GeoWorks Pro: 1. Install VPRINT at the DOS prompt by typing: VPRINT destfile.ext /I Substitute a meaningful DOS filename for "destfile.ext". This is the file VPRINT will print to and that you'll print from the DOS prompt to the target printer. 2. In PC/GEOS select Preferences, Computer, and change LPT1 to DOS under Parallel Ports. 3. Also in Preferences select Printer and install the driver for the target printer. Since I didn't know if the target Hewlett Packard Laser Jet II printer had 512K memory or more I selected that driver. Be aware that the same laser printer memory limitations exist for printing extensive graphics on one page. 4. When you're ready to print your file to disk select Print, Change Options and choose the target printer driver. Depending on the speed of your computer and the size of the file, VPRINT can take a few minutes to print to disk. 5. At the DOS prompt type: VPRINT /F to flush the internal buffer and force the remaining characters of your file to disk. 6. To remove VPRINT from memory reboot your computer. Be sure to read VPRINT.DOC, included in the zipped file for additional options and instructions for using VPRINT with your other software. 7. As you're copying your print file to a floppy consider the disk drives available at the target computer. 5.25 360K? 1.2MB? 3.5 720K? 1.44MB? How about paper? 8. To print your file from the target computer and laser printer at the DOS prompt type: COPY destfile.ext PRN: /B 9. More copies? Select F3 at the DOS prompt to repeat the last command. As much as I'd love to own a laser printer, my computing needs and my pocketbook can't justify one in 1992. Occasionally, I like the added crispness of laser printer output. VPRINT and GeoWorks Pro work for me. VPRINT is available on America Online in the Computing and Software Center. Use keyword QUICKFIND and search word VPRINT to locate the one minute download. It's shareware and the author David Whitman, requests a modest $20 registration. Much less than the cost of a laser printer for the occasional laser printing needs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've not had time to try this myself yet, but given the number of printing related posts here I thought that there might be a great deal of interest in something like this. For that reason I have also posted a uuencoded version of VPRINT.ZIP here before ftp'ing it to ecst.csuchico.edu . I hope that this will prove itself to be useful. tom