------------------------------------------------ | ASCR - Russian characters on your PC monitor | ------------------------------------------------ (C)Copyright A.Kogan, 1989-1991 General description ------------------- ASCR is a resident program, which provides displaying of Russian letters on your PC monitor. It works in any videomode on EGA(VGA) and in graphics modes on CGA. ASCR does NOT provide entering Russian characters from keyboard. Any keyboard driver (such as KEYUSSR, RUSLAT and so on) may be used with ASCR. ASCR program accepts no parameters. If you adapter is EGA-compatible or current videomode is graphics mode you will get a message in Russian from ASCR just after it's starting. ASCR must be started only once. It is recommended to place it to AUTOEXEC.BAT file, if you are permanently working with Russian letters. Notes for civilized users ------------------------- To register this program and to receive the succeeding versions of it send $10 and your E-mail address (if any) to the following. -------------------------------- Andrew Vakhutinsky PhD mailbox #11 College of Business & Management University of Maryland Colege Park, MD20742 USA --------------------------------- A P P E N D I X --------------- Notes for advanced users. 1,2 or 3 Russian fonts became resident after program start. The number of fonts depends on display adapter in that way: 1-font case: EGA-compatible card not found. 2-font case: EGA-compatible card found and VGA-compatible not found and current font height is not 16 scanlines. 3-font case: VGA-compatible card found or current font height is 16 scanlines. As a result, driver may have those parameters, depending the case which take place: 1 font 2 fonts 3 fonts ------------------------------------------------------------ Font(s) height (scanlines) 8 8, 14 8,14,16 Resident part size 2K 6K 10K Working videomodes 4-6 all all ------------------------------------------------------------ The conclusion is that if your adapter uses font of 16-lines height and is not VGA-compatible, start ASCR when current display font is of 16 scanlines. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Andrey Kogan P.O.Box 439, Moscow 132060, USSR E-mail: AVAKHUTI@UMDACC.BITNET kogan@stack.fian.msk.su