Installation Instructions ============================================================== This disk uses a batch file to install the software. The following procedure describes the installation process: 1. From the MS-DOS prompt change to the floppy drive this disk is in. For example, to install from the a: drive use: "c:> A:" 2. Run the INSTALL batch file. For example: "a:> INSTALL C:\VFWDK" Replace C:VFWDK with the disk and path for the destination of your files. 3. When installation is complete, change your INCLUDE and LIB environment variables to include the INC and LIB directories in your destination path. For example, if you used C:\VFWDK as the path during installation, you could use the following: SET INCLUDE=[previous include line];C:\VFWDK\INC SET LIB=[previous lib line];C:\VFWDK\LIB For these examples, replace [previous include line] and [previous lib line] with any existing paths for these statements. 4. You might want to also include the BIN directory to your PATH variable. The following example shows the template for modifying your PATH statement to include the Development Kit's BIN directory: SET PATH=[previous path line];C:\VFWDK\BIN As in the previous examples, replace [previous path line] with any existing path statements. Known Problems ============================================================== DrawDibBegin() doesn't verify the hdc and lpbi parameters. If passed NULL for hdc the function will return TRUE. If passed a NULL for lpbi it will GP Fault in msvideo.dll. DrawDibChangePalette() will return TRUE if passed NULL for the lppe parameter. DrawDibGetPalette() will return a NULL handle unless you: 1. call DrawDibBegin() before calling DrawDibGetPalette() - or - 2. call DrawDibDraw() before calling DrawDibGetPalette() If DrawDibDraw() is passed NULL for the hdd or hdc parameters you may have problems drawing to that hdd in the future. If you are using MASM 6.x to assemble the sample Bravado driver then please comment out the lines #129 and #272 in the file mapa.asm. Unsupported Goodies =============================================================== The MCIWnd library is included in this Developer's Kit as an unsupported library. You are free to link with mciwnd.lib and use the APIs as documented in mciwnd.doc, but do so at your own risk and the knowledge that PSS will not support this library or API. The sample program for MCIWnd is in the [mciplay] directory. Documentation for MCIWnd, in WinWord format, is found in that directory also.