Use the INSERT menu to add new elements to a picture. The initial properties of these elements (for example, the thickness of a line or the font of a text label) are determined by the current graphic-defaults and text-defaults. These default values are set in the G-DEFAULTS and T-DEFAULTS menus (see Chapters <[10]> and <[11]>). If the default properties are not the ones you want, you can use the MODIFY command in the INSERT menu to change the properties of the element just inserted. The line insertion commands (LINE, VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL, ARC, and RIGHTANGLE) all operate in the same way. When you press the command letter, a cross-hair cursor is displayed. To identify the start point, position this cursor and press RETURN. A smaller cross-hair appears marking the position you have chosen. To identify the end point and insert the line, reposition the larger cross-hair cursor and press RETURN again. The end point of this line becomes the default start point for the next line to be inserted: if you choose a third point by positioning the cursor and pressing RETURN again, you will have inserted two connected lines. To insert two disconnected lines, press ESC after inserting the first. Then define a new start point by moving the cursor and pressing RETURN. Then proceed as above to choose an end point. To insert a different kind of line, simply press the new command letter (e.g. R for Right-angle) and proceed as described above. Immediately after inserting an arc or right-angle, you can press SPACE to flip the element just inserted. <[FIG09]>.
Use the INSERT/LINE command to draw straight lines using the procedure described above.
Use the INSERT/ARC command to draw elliptical quadrants from the start point to the end point. After you insert an arc, press SPACE to toggle between the two possible curves (viz. clockwise or counterclockwise from the start to the end). In PEP an arc is initially drawn tangent to the box spanning the start point and end point. After you have inserted the arc, you can change the slopes at its end points by using the MODIFY/ANGLES command <[4.21]>.
Use the INSERT/VERTICAL command to draw a vertical line. The line is drawn from the start point to the Y coordinate of the end point. When you have drawn one, the command switches to HORIZONTAL line insertion. To insert another vertical line, press ESC. Then choose start and end points as before.
Use the INSERT/HORIZONTAL command to draw a horizontal line. The line is drawn from the start point to the X coordinate of the end point. When you have drawn one, the command switches to VERTICAL line insertion. To insert another horizontal line, press ESC. Then choose start and end points as before.
Use the INSERT/RIGHTANGLE command to draw a right-angle between two given points. As for ARC, you can press SPACE to flip the line just inserted.
The INSERT/CLOSE command closes a polyline. A polyline is a sequence of one or more connected lines (straight, horizontal, vertical, arc, or right-angle). When the polyline is closed, a new line is inserted. The new line is drawn from the end point of the last line inserted to the start point of the first line in the polyline. Unless you request a change, the new line is the same type of line as the last line inserted. For example, if you have inserted one right-angle, the CLOSE command closes that right-angle with another, forming a box; however, if you first type L (for LINE), the CLOSE command closes with a straight line, forming a triangle. <[FIG16]>. This command is especially useful if you are creating the boundary of a filled region, which must be accurately closed. Unless you use the INSERT/CLOSE command, you must manually return the boundary to the exact pixel from which it started.
Use the INSERT/TEXT command to insert a text label (using the current font, typesize, rotation, and justification defaults specified in the T-DEFAULTS menu <[11]>). Press the command letter, position the cross-hair cursor, and press RETURN. This places the text cursor (a solid box) in the chosen position. Then, as you type, the text is entered into the label being created. Close the label either by pressing RETURN (in which case a new label is started immediately below the current one) or ESC. While you are entering text in the label, it is displayed with left justification. After the label is closed, the current default justification is used. When you are inserting or editing a text label, a number of single keystroke commands become available, and the command menu is replaced by a list of these. The new commands are: Ctrl-F: move forward 1 character Ctrl-B: move back 1 character Ctrl-A: move to start of label Ctrl-E: move to end of label Ctrl-K: delete to end of label Ctrl-D or Del: delete 1 character Backspace: delete character before text cursor Ins: toggle between insert and overstrike You can also change the font style and/or color by inserting escape characters during text entry using the ALT-F7, ALT-F8, and ALT-F9 keys followed by the appropriate hexidecimal digit. (For more information about these escape characters, see sections <[14.2.3]>, <[14.2.4]>, and <[14.2.5]>.) In this way, a single text label can include multiple colors and multiple styles from a given typeface: normal, bold, italic, and so forth. The styles available depend on the font being used.
The INSERT/OBJECT command allows you to insert a previously defined object into the open object. Press the command letter to display a menu of available object names. Highlight the name of the object you want to insert, and press RETURN to select that object. If you select the name "/IMPORT/", PEP will switch to the OBJECT/IMPORT menu. You can then choose any object from any other file in either the current directory or the PEP home directory. (See <[1.9.1]> for a discussion of how to select an entry from a name menu. See <[7.8]> for a description of the OBJECT/IMPORT commands.) There are two ways to insert the object you have selected. 1. Position the cross-hair cursor and press RETURN. The object will be inserted with its upper left corner placed at the cross-hair cursor position. 2. Press SPACE to change the cross-hair cursor into a box cursor of the size of the selected object. Position this cursor and press RETURN to insert the object. In either case, to insert another copy of the same object, reposition the cursor and press RETURN again.
The INSERT/GROUP command makes it possible to collect subsequently inserted elements into a group and to create filled regions. To make a group or region, type the command letter to turn grouping ON, then insert the elements that you want to group, and finally use the END-GROUP command to actually make the group. If you want to make a filled region, the lines you insert must form a closed boundary (see the INSERT/CLOSE command described above <[2.6]>). Note: you can form groups and regions from previously inserted elements by using the COLLECT command. (See Chapter <[5]>.)
The INSERT/END-GROUP command terminates the grouping of inserted elements and forms a group. It is valid only if grouping has been turned ON by a prior INSERT/GROUP command. To create a filled region, you first make a group of the lines which will form the edge of the region. The lines you insert should form a closed boundary. Then use the MODIFY/FILL command <[4.8]> to change the group into a filled region. The MODIFY/EXPLODE <[4.23]> command can be used to separate the group back into its components.
The INSERT/MODIFY command selects the most recently inserted element and displays a MODIFY menu tailored to that type of element. You can now change any of the properties of this element. (See Chapter <[4]> for a description of each of the commands available in the different MODIFY menus.)