New Jersey State Highway Patrol 02/01/94 Troup A, South Jersey: I forget. Troup C, Central Jersey: 860.7125, 859.7125, 858.7125, 857,7125, 856.7125 860.2125, 859.2125, 858,2125, 857.2125, 867.2125 Troup B, North Jersey: 860.9625-856.9625, 860.4625-856.4625 One should scan the freqs in the order show above. The NJSP systems use two blocks of five freqs. The transmissions cycle through the block in high to low order and then switch to the top of the other block. The control channel typically changes shortly after midnight so one must lock out the new control channel and unlock the old one. Also note that the low freq in the xxx.2125 block is not 856.2125. That freq is replaced with 867.2125. It behaves just like one would expect 856.2125 to behave. Brett Borowski