SB DX @ ALLBBS $OPDX.144 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 144 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 144 BID: $OPDX.144 January 24, 1994 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DL7VEE & DXNL, DF4RD, CT1XX, IW2IYN, AD1C, KC1AG, NA2M, WA2ABN, N2PNG, K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, ON6TT, N4VZ, N8BQJ, K8YSE and NE8Z for the following DX information. 3Y0PI, PETER I ISLAND DXPEDITION. As the countdown continues for the start of this DXpedition, here is some important information: KA6V and AA6BB, are the QSL Managers and they ask that you put "ALL" your cards into the same envelope or put all your QSO labels into one card. "DO NOT" (repeat DO NOT) mix VP8BZL and VP8BZL/MM cards with the 3Y0PI cards (send them separately). Mixing operations in the same envelope will cause a delay in processing your QSL cards. Include a SASE or SAE and enough to cover at least the return postage. The 3Y QSLs will be printed in Belgium and have the same layout as the AH1A and VP8SS I cards (folding type with colored pictures). There is room for 5 QSO's per 3Y-card. If you have more than 5 QSOs, more cards will be needed, and the cost of postage will increase (So, remember send enough to cover this!). Next week we will have more on operating frequencies and practices. EU/EV/EW, BELARUS (NOT YET!). Bob, N4VZ, had a chat with Yuri, RC2AR, and Yuri states that Belarus will not be using its EU, EV, or EW assigned prefixes until June 1, 1994. This is surprising since most other countries have made the changeover to their new prefixes and this will add more confusion since Russia uses the "R" prefix. FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA. Walter, DJ0FX, will be active on CW/SSB through February 19 as FO0PT. He will be using 100 watts into a vertical antenna. Activity should be on all bands including the WARC bands. GD, ISLE OF MAN. Several stations have been active on the WARC bands and the lower bands. GD4WBY has been heard on 12 and 17 meters between 1400 and 1630z. GD4PTV has been heard on 80 meters at 0800z and GD4BEG on 160 meters between 0630 and 0730z. Steve, G4UOL, will be active until the 6th of February as GD4UOL. His activity will be mainly on CW (11 kHz up or on 3507, 10102, 18070 and 24900). QSL via the bureau or CBA. HK0/I2RAO INFORMATION. Marco, IW2IYN, reports that the "Italian DX Bulletin" states, "operations by I2RAO from Gorgola Island is considered as Colombia for DXCC, and the previous from Malpelo should really count as Malpelo". PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Seppo, OH1VR, will be active from Curacao as PJ2/OH1VR from January 26 through February 2nd. Seppo is a contester and it is likely that he will be active in the CQ WW 160 Meter CW Contest next weekend. S2, BANGLADESH. Eric, S21ZG, has been active almost daily on 80 meters (3651-3653 kHz) at 1145-1215z and again around 0000z. V2, ANTIGUA. John, AA2LW, will be traveling to V2-land the last week of Jaunary. He will be there through the first part of February (around 10 days). John is actually there on business, but in his spare time he plans to be active on 40-10 meters SSB (his favorite band is 17 meters). QSL to CBA. V4, ST. CHRISTOPHER/NEVIS. Mike, W9NSZ, will be active as V47NS from January 28th thru February 2nd. QSL to CBA. VP2, ANGUILLA. Jim/KK3K, Don/WB6LYI, Mark/KC6XC, Tom/KI4ZN, Howard/W9BVD, Norm/KF7IK, James/AF9A and Wayne/AI9Q (members of the Lambda Amateur Radio Club, LARC) will be active from March 5-10. They plan to be active on multi-band and multi-mode HF, and OSCAR-13 Mode B and Mode S. They claim this may be the first OSCAR-13 Mode S DXpedition. QSL for all operators is direct to their CBA. VP5, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS. Tom/K2TD, John/N2VW and Mike/WB2YOF will be active now through part of February. The group will be using /VP5 and their own callsigns. No details of their activities were reported, but listen for instructions on where to QSL. VP8, ANTARCTICA. Brian, VP8CFM, has been assigned as Base Commander at the British Antarctic Survey Base. He will be there for 14 months and will be active as either VP8HAL or his own call VP8CFM. QSL via GM4KLO. VR6BB/VR6JJ DXPEDITION SUMMARY. Here is information about this operation's QSO totals. They made 35025 QSOs (VR6BB - 23311 / VR6JJ - 11714). Here is just a few of their totals by bands: 683 QSOs on 160 meters, 1291 QSOs on 80 meters, 23 QSOs on 75 meters, 2698 QSOs on 40 meters and 538 QSOs on 6 meters. XE/XF1, MEXICO. Rick, NE8Z, will be operating from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, as XE1/NI8Z from February 13-20. Activities will be on 160-10 meters (including the WARC bands) and the ARRL CW DX Contest. Frequencies: CW - 5 and 25 kHz up from band edge / SSB - Various. SPECIAL IOTA NOTE: Rick is planning to be active from Islas Marietas (NA-189) and Islas Los Arcos Mismaloya (IOTA unknown). Specific dates are unknown at this time, but activity will be on CW (21005 and 14005 kHz) and SSB (21260 and 14260 kHz). Rick also mentions that he is required to take along a local Mexican amateur to these islands. His goal is to spend time on the WARC bands and 80/40 meters. QSL via K8LJG. ZS0, PENGUIN ISLANDS. This may possibly be the last ZS0 operation. Ian, ZS9A, reports that Baldur, DJ6SI, is attempting to mount a trip to the Penguin Islands sometime around Feb 24th. The RSA will turn over both Walvis Bay and the Penguin Islands to Namibia at the end of February. No other further details are available at this time. DAYTON DX DINNER ANNOUNCEMENT. The Southwest Ohio DX Association is pleased to announce the Ninth Annual DX Dinner which will be held on Friday, April 29th, 1994, at the Stouffer Center Plaza Hotel. There will be a cash bar at 6:30 with dinner at 7:15. Tickets must be purchased in advance, and are available from Scott Lehman, N9AG, PO Box 803, Greenville OH 45331. Tickets will be $27.00. Please make your check payable to SWODXA, and send an SASE for ticket return. Seating will be limited, so please order early. If you wish to sit as a group, it would be appreciated if you order as a group. All seats will be reserved. For further information, contact Scott Lehman, N9AG, at (513) 548-6230 or Steve Bolia, N8BJQ, at (513) 429-9954 voice/fax. KEEP THOSE BALLOTS COMING! (Only a 1 weeks to go!) Ballots for the Third Annual OPDX/NODXA DX Survey can be found in OPDX.137. Ballots can be sent to the following packet and online addresses listed below. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EX