SB DX @ WW $OPDX.145 Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 145 The Ohio/Penn Dx PacketCluster DX Bulletin No. 145 BID: $OPDX.145 January 31, 1994 Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW Provided by BARF-80 BBS Cleveland, Ohio Online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 8/N/1 Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, DL7VEE & DXNL, DF4RD, DC3MF, IK0FVC, QST, AD1C, KC1AG, WK3N, WB2CHO (editor-The DX Bulletin), K4CEF & Southeastern Cluster Group, K6OZL, AA7KE and K9IMM for the following DX information. 1A0KM, SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA. There was some excitement generated last week when Francesco, IK0FVC, announced that there would be a possible operation of 1A0KM after more than two years of amateur radio silence. But the week has come to an end, and while this bulletin was being prepared, no activity was reported. The fax that was sent to OPDX stated that IK0FVC, I0JBL, I0HCJ and I0IJ will attempt an operation from January 26 through 31. Using a vertical antenna and 0.5 KW, they had plans for activity on 80 through 10 meters with the possibility of some WARC band action too. QSLs were to go to I0IJ. Hopefully, this group will continue to try to activate 1A0. 3Y0PI, PETER I ISLAND DXPEDITION (UPDATE!). The DXpedition is ahead of schedule. As this bulletin was being prepared, an announcement was made stating that the team has landed and was unloading equipment, and that they plan to have one station operational by January 31st. Reported conditions at Peter I were: winds quiet, seas calm, no ice pack surrounding the island, and they expect a good and safe landing. Earlier reports from VP8BZL/MM in route to Peter I stated that the team would be staying on the island for 18 days instead of the 14 days. Apparently the Russian icebreaker that is to pick them up is 6 days behind schedule (pick-up date is now February 19). The following operating practices and frequencies have been publicized by ON6TT: The split windows will be 5-10 kHz wide maximun on CW and 25 kHz wide on SSB. They will work continents by groups (Europe, Middle East and Africa; North/Central/South America; Asia and Pacific). The United States will be worked by numbers, following the propagation patterns: 1-2-3-4-8-9-0-5-7-6. The operators request that you do a minimum of duping (a dupe is a duplicate on the same band and mode as a previous contact). Here are the operating frequencies to watch for: CW: 1826, 3522, 3507(Eu), 7022, 7007(Eu), 10104, 14024, 18074, 21024, 24894, 28024. SSB: 1845, 3785(up non-Eu), 3800(down Eu), 7065, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945, 28475. RTTY: 1825, 3680, 14080, 21080, 28180 Satellite: 145.890 MHz (listening down) on AO-10 and AO-13. A3, TONGA. Jim Smith, VK9NS, will be active as A35MR starting around February 2. There is talk he may activate a new IOTA. Meanwhile, Nob, JF2MBF, (also known as VR6BB/JJ) will start here as part of his four week Pacific-DXpedition together with Yasu, JI1NJC. He will sign A35JJ from February 12-20, all bands on CW/SSB/RTTY/SAT. QSL via JR2KDN. After Tonga, there will be activity from T2, T3 and C2. (Details next week) FT5, KERGUELEN ISLAND. Pierre, FT5XJ, is a brand new amateur, and he will be on the island until July when he will leave for 3 months and then return for a full year. He was reportedly active on January 23 at 0501Z on 14250 kHz and on 14191 kHz at 1420Z on 26 January working with another French speaking station. Pierre also states he is more often QRV on 14198 kHz. Pierre is reportedly using an Atlas 350 XL and a GP. No reason is known why he got the FT5 prefix instead of normal FT4 currently being issued. QSL to F5NLL. P4, ARUBA. This information was received late (because of the U.S. Postal System - 8 days), but the South West Michigan DX Group who was active in the CQ WW 160 CW Contest (using the callsigns P40GG, P49I and P40W) will continue to be active after the contest until February 2. Their activity outside the contest will be CW and SSB on 160-10 meters using P4/callsign. QSL route for P4/Home Call is via the operator's CBA. QSL for P40GG and any other contacts by the group can be QSLed via K8GG, George Guerin, 675 Riverside Drive, Battle Creek, MI 49015-4678. All QSLs with SASEs will be answered direct. Please do not send any of these contacts via the Aruba bureau. SV/A MOUNT ATHOS. Reports of activity by Monk Apollo, SV2ASP/A, keep coming in. They indicate that Apollo has been heard on some of the WARC bands, especially on 17 meter band with a very strong signal. Stations from Europe state that Apollo can often be found on 3790 kHz at 1700z and some stateside stations heard him on 3792 kHz around 0530z. Apollo also made a short appearance on the 21335 DX Net around 1345z (for about 10 minutes). VP5, TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS. Ed/K9IMM and Carol/NS9L will be on Provodenciales Island (VP5) February 17-24. K9IMM will be operating the ARRL CW DX Contest on 160 meters as VP5B. Before and after the contest they will operate as VP5/own calls on all bands 160-10m. Some QRP operation is contemplated. QSL via WB9NOV (SASE please). CORRECTION PLEASE! Last week OPDX reported that Tom/K2TD, John/N2VW and Mike/WB2YOF would be active now through part of February. This wrong! Actually this group will be going back to VP5 for the 1994 CQ WW DX SSB contest this coming October. While in Turks and Caicos, they will operate their calls /VP5 before and after the contest. During the contest, they will have a special VP5 call. ZS0, PENGUIN ISLANDS. It appears Baldur, DJ6SI, has made semi-final arrangements to be on the islands from February 22-28. His possible callsign may be ZS0X. Transfer of Walvis Bay and the islands are on schedule and due to take place at 2200z on February 28. There still is a disagreement on payment for port facilities and power generating equipment, but this is not expected to delay the transfer. RUMOR OF THE WEEK! The following information has not been verified as of yet, but reports indicate that the group who activated FO0CI will attempt to activate either (or both) VU4 or VU7 (Laccadives or Andaman Islands) in the next few months. The operators involved seem to be N0AFW, WA2FIJ, KA7CQQ, N7QQ and some Europeans. This information is based on QSOs heard on the air discussing, planning, shipping and travel itenerary. DXCC YEARBOOK. The first annual DXCC Yearbook will soon be in the mail in early February for those active DXCC members who had submissions between October 1, 1992, and September 30, 1993. KEEP THOSE BALLOTS COMING! (Only a few days to go! Ballots will be received through February 6th.) Ballots for the Third Annual OPDX/NODXA DX Survey can be found in OPDX.137. Ballots can be sent to the following packet and online addresses listed below. FAX YOUR DX INFORMATION NOW! Faxing is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 0430 to 2330z only. The number is 216-237-8208 and the FAX card is sharing the same phone line as BARF-80 BBS using a data/fax/phone switch. Excerpts and distribution of The OPDX Bulletin are granted as long as OPDX/BARF80 receive credit. To contribute DX info, call BARF-80 BBS online at 216-237-8208 14400/9600/2400/1200/300 and leave a message with the Sysop or send InterNet Mail to: or send BitNet Mail to: aq474%cleveland.freenet@cunyvm or send PRODIGY Mail to: DFJH48A or send a message via packet to KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA /EX SB DX @ WW $OPDXNODXA.6 OPDX/NODXA 1993 DX Survey THE THIRD ANNUAL OPDX/NODXA DX SURVEY. Here is your chance to be counted. Deadline will be January 31, 1994, with results in February. The questions of the survey will deal with: 1 The DXer of the year. This is a DXer who you thought was outstanding in operating and handling the pile-ups from their DXpedition. 2 DXpedition of the Year (Group and Indivdual). Choose the best and most well organized DXpedition that met the needs of the DX community. 3 The 30 Most Wanted Countries. Choose your 30 most wanted countries. 4 OPTION: Your personal comments about DXing in 1993. Please use the ballot below. Votes will only be accepted in the following format below. Your | DXer of the Year| DXpedition of the| DXpedition of the Callsign | (Person) | Year by a person | Year by a group and QTH | | | ____________________________________________________________________ CHOOSE YOUR MOST WANTED COUNTRIES. (Please list only 30 of your most wanted countries. List CW and SSB modes separately. CW - AB,CD,EF SSB - GH,IJ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments on DXing in 1993: (Text Any Length) _____________________________________________________________________ * Just Fill-in The Blanks And Send It To One Of The Three Address: Packet Radio-KB8NW @ WA8BXN.OH.USA.NA InterNet PRODIGY -DFJH48A OPDX/NODXA DX Survey Example Ballot: ____________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | ____________________________________________________________________ CHOOSE YOUR MOST WANTED COUNTRIES. (Please list only 30 of your most wanted countries. List CW and SSB modes separately. CW - SSB - --------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: (Text Any Length) I think DXing in 1993 was.......... /EX