Bid : $RACESBUL.307 TO: ALL ES, CD, AND PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTORS VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: ALL RACES OPERATORS IN CALIFORNIA INFO: ALL AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS FROM: CA STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (W6SIG@WA6NWE.CA) 2800 MEADOWVIEW RD., SACRAMENTO, CA 95832 916-262-1600 LANDLINE BBS OPEN TO ALL 916-262-1657 RACESBUL.307 RELEASE DATE: January 3, 1994 SUBJECT: MGT - Observations - Part 3/3 The Radio officers said that their programs suceeded because: 1. It is clearly established that the county official is in charge -- not an outside organization. 2. They train in and perform some duties other than two-way radio because that is what is needed by and useful to the local government. 3. The radio officer is accepted as regular staff and attends staff meetings, goes to the agency office regularly, and actively seeks new and expanded ways in which the volunteers can serve the agency and local government. In other words, the RACES (or by whatever name) is not a declared disaster-only operation. Unfortunately, that last interpretation of the RACES is still widely misunderstood and propagated by those with a different agenda. A few reported that their packet bulletin board did not carry the RACES Bulletins and that the reason was unknown. I suggested they contact their BBS sysop to work backward through the delivery system to identify the drop out. The RACES Bulletins are by and for all communications volunteers in government service --- and not just hams, either. Some disaster management officials with whom I spoke said they have a fine RACES group but never heard of and saw the RACES Bulletins. I pointed out that the RACES Bulletins are addressed to the official and not the messenger (recipient station). If the official claims to have a fine group but isn't getting the mail because it's not being forwarded -- well, there seems to be a problem with the messenger, does it not? We solicit your comments, views, input, suggestions, ideas and reports. --- Stan Harter, CA State Office of Emergency Services EOM