Bid : $RACESBUL.311 From: W6SIG@KD6XZ.#NOCAL.CA.USA.NOAM To : RACES@ALLUS TO: ALL ES, CD, AND PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTORS VIA AMATEUR RADIO INFO: ALL RACES OPERATORS IN CALIFORNIA INFO: ALL AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS FROM: CA STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES (W6SIG@WA6NWE.CA) Ph: 916-262-1600 2800 MEADOWVIEW RD., SACRAMENTO, CA 95832 LANDLINE BBS OPEN TO ALL 916-262-1657 RACESBUL.311 RELEASE DATE: JANUARY 31, 1994 Subject: MGT - SEMANTICS 1/7 This is the first in a series in response to letters, messages, and queries at seminars. Probably the biggest problem with these bulletins, and one that may never be resolved, is misinterpretation or misunderstanding of the written word. What is intended by the writer and how it is interpreted by the readers may not be the same. When RACES seminars are conducted in person it is much easier to clarify issues that arise over such misinterpretation as well as others. Whereas these BULLETINS are called "RACES" they are for all communications volunteers in government service. This includes Public Safety, RACES and the Civil Air Patrol. The current RACES BULLETIN series began in l985. It was the first effort to document program issues, ideas, definitions and guidance since 1960. They went national in 1989 at the request of the ARRL. In response, you have rewarded us with positive feedback, input and support from all over the U.S., Canada and Australia, for which we are most appreciative. Series authored by Stanly E. Harter, originally titled "From My Lookout". Edited for digital transmission. Uploaded by unpaid [volunteer] professionals in public safety and public service telecommunications. (To be continued.) eom