SB DX @ WW $RTDX0114 VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, 14 January VK2SG RTTY DX Notes for week ending 14 January 1994 (BID RTDX0114) Our information this week came from 9X5LJ, DJ3IW and the Central Europe DX Cluster Node DB0SPC, I5FLN, IK5AAX and the IK5PWJ Packet Cluster, W2JGR And The NJ0M NODE of the Twin-Cities DX Packet Cluster, WA1MPB, WA4MCZ, W5KSI, WX5L and ZS5S. Thank you all for your assistance. Bandpass Friday 7 0912-14080 5W1KT 0942-14086 S53AX 1208-21084 VK6HD 1235-14091 VK4FRT 1327-21091 FG5FI 1335-21082 4U1ITU 1346-21085 4X6UO 1354-21090 OD5PL 1545-21085 C6A/AA5AU 1607-21088 VP5/WA0VQR Saturday 8 0336- 7080 VP5/WA0VQR 0942-14088 K5KWG/ZA 1109-14084 UX0KC 1159-14083 US8AR 1252-21091 OD5PL QSL HB9CRV 1338-21090 5R8DS 1341-21087 4X6UO 1423-14082 YL2GD 1425-14089 OK1AJN 1518-14090 LY1BZB 1630-14088 J28JJ 1803- 7040 UR0HQ 1810- 7040 UN5PR 1815- 7041 4X/OK1FGC 1819- 7035 S52OR 1821- 3590 YL1ZR 1823-14084 WH6I 1832- 7039 4Z85TA 1834-28082 PJ2MI 1838-28084 A22MN 1841-28082 HP2CWB 1845-28077 HH2PK 1859- 7041 RZ1AWT 1908- 7033 TA2FT 1910- 7032 SV1ATS 2123-14101 C6A/AA5AU 2127- 7038 CN8NP 2134-21078 PJ0/N9FTC 2155-14076 A22MN 2206- 3578 SV2BFN 2215- 7035 VK6HD 2217- 7038 UZ9CWA 2241-21093 KP2N 2309- 7037 HH2PK Sunday 9 0012-14086 VP5/WA0VQR 0150- 7075 UR0HQ 0234- 7087 S57MM 0234- 3590 C6A/AA5AU 0341- 3601 HP1XBH 0521- 7078 8P6AW 0637-14082 UU2JI 0657-21084 UN5PR 0705-14083 UX0FF 0900-14083 BZ1QL 0902-21086 HL9FC 0941-14086 VK7YP 1053-21086 CU1AC 1055-21091 UR5LBX 1101-21081 A45ZX 1107-21078 UR0HQ 1115-14087 KP2N 1142-28082 V50CM 1201-21081 S57MM 1241-21082 J28JJ 1252-21084 9K2IC 1329-21098 GU4RWP 1331-21085 PJ2MI 1335-21088 A22MN 1351-21095 SV2BFN 1352-21082 4Z85TA 1356-21083 HH2PK 1406-21098 HP1XBH 1414-21102 HP1AC 1453-21075 C6A/AA5AU 1454-21082 XE1/DJ6OV 1600-21093 GI0KOW 2148- 7039 VK6HD 2325-14092 HS0A Monday 10 Typical report 'the day after contest' 1349-14084 LY2ZZ 1720-14086 VP5/WA0VQR 1751-21088 PJ0/N9FTC Tuesday 11 1345-14088 RW6XW 1434-14084 UX0KC Ukraine 1440-14085 GI0AIQ 1452-14087 UT5RP 1556-21084 VQ9WL 1626-21090 5R8DS 1652-21086 PJ2MI Wednesday 12 0109-14086 S92ZM 1053-14085 LY2BBF 1142-28082 U50CM 1303-14083 VQ9TS 1308-14083 A45XC 1638-21088 S53J 1706-21083 5R8LD 1909-14084 TZ6FIC 1913-14084 P4/W1EKT Thursday 13 WWV A= 23 K= 3 2153-14088 V50PV Notes of Interest. St Peter & St Paul, PY0. The three week DXpedition that was to take place 10 January will be delayed til 20 January and will be for two weeks. QSL RTTY contacts to Karl, PS7KM. Peter 1 Island, 3Y. This DXpedition is on schedule and the first members of the group should be on the Falklands now. Look for VP8BZL for a few days from Pt Stanley. Arrival on Peter 1 around 1 February, departure on 16 February. For next week's bulletin, send your Bandpass and Notes of Interest to Jules, W2JGR @ W2TKU.#SRQ.FL.USA.NA Remember, DX Don't Sleep. GL DE Bob, WB2CJL @ W5KSI.@NOLA.LA.USA.NA /EX SP KT7H @ N7DUO.WA.USA.NA