Archive-name: judaism/reading-lists/conservative Posting-Frequency: Monthly Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism Part V: Conservative Judaism [Last Change: $Date: 1993/06/08 18:00:36 $ $Revision: 2.1 $] [Last Post: Sun May 9 11:00:27 1993] This message is intended to provide readers of soc.culture.jewish with a list of references to allow them to learn more about the current practices, past practices, beliefs, and history of the Conservative Movement with Judaism. One of the four major movements within Judaism, the Conservative Movement was founded in 1886, with the establishment of the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) by a group led by Rabbis Sabato Morais and Marcus Jastrow of Philadelphia and Henry Pereira Mendes of New York. This group was responding to what it felt were the rationalist, antihalakhic excesses of the Reform movement. For its first 15 years, the JTS was a colossal failure. However, around the turn of the century, the JTS was saved and grew into the flagship of a major Jewish denomination thanks to the efforts of three men: its first president, Cyrus Adler; financier Jacob Schiff; and the brilliant Rabbi Solomon Schecter. In the United States, Israel, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and other countries, there are two principal organizations involved with Conservative Judaism: 1) the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), the rabbinic school for Conservative Rabbis. The association of the rabbis is called the Rabbinical Assembly (RA). Information on the Conservative Rabbinical journal may be found in the periodicals part of the reading list (XI). 2) The USCJ, or United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism (formerly the United Synagogues of America). Its members are Conservative Synagogues. This list is organized as a digest; it may be successfully undigestified by programs such as "gnus". ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: Archival and Credits This list is based on a reading list I developed from research at the University of Judaism in January of 1993. Contributions and/or to this list have been made by David A Guberman, Paul Wolf, and Art Kamlet. Suggestions for additions or deletions are welcome, as are *brief* annotations for the entries. All portions of the FAQ and of the reading lists are archived on [] in the directory: ~ftp/israel/lists/scj-faq They are available in the archives in the directory: pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism The following files make up the reading lists and are in the "reading-lists" subdirectory: general, traditional, chasidism, reform, conservative, reconstructionist, humanistic, zionism, antisemitism, intermarriage, periodicals. The following files make up the FAQ and are in the "FAQ" subdirectory: 01-FAQ-intro, 02-Who-We-Are, 03-Torah-Halacha, 04-Observance, 05-Worship, 06-Jewish-Thought, 07-Jews-As-Nation, 08-Israel, 09-Antisemitism, 10-Miscellaneous. The files may also be obtained via Email by sending a message to with the following line in the body of the message: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/(portionname) Where (portionname) is replaced by the appropriate subdirectory and filenames; for example, to get the first part of the reading list, one would say: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists/general ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: V.1. CONSERVATIVE BELIEFS [SchS96] Schecter, Solomon. _Studies in Judaism: First Series_. Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia PA. 1896 [SchS08] Schecter, Solomon. _Studies in Judaism: Second Series_. Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia PA 1908. [SchS24] Schecter, Solomon. _Studies in Judaism: Third Series_. Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia PA 1924. [SchS61] Schecter, Solomon. _Some Aspects of Rabbinic Theology_. Schocken Books, New York. 1961. Other works to look at include _Emet Ve-Emunah_ and books by Conservative authors such as Dorff, Gillman, Steinberg, and Wolpe, cited elsewhere in this list. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: V.2. CONSERVATIVE PRACTICES [Kle79] Klein, Isaac. _A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice_. Jewish Theological Seminary, New York. 1979. [Sie77] Siegel, Seymour ed. _Conservative Judaism and Jewish Law_. Rabbinical Assembly, New York. 1977. [RAA88] Rabbinical Assembly. _Emet Ve-Emunah: Statement of Principles of Conservative Judaism_. The JTS, Rabbinical Assembly, and the United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism. 1988. [Wol85] Wolfson, Ron. _The Art of Jewish Living: The Shabbat Seder_. The Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Inc., New York, NY. 1985 [Teacher's Guide, Songs & Blessings book, and Audiocassette are also available.] [Wol88] Wolfson, Ron. _The Art of Jewish Living: The Passover Seder_. The Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Inc., New York, NY 1988 [Teacher's Guide, Workbook, Poster, and Audiocassette are also available. Note: This is not a Haggaddah, but a text.] [Wol90] Wolfson, Ron. _The Art of Jewish Living: Hanukkah_. The Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Inc., New York, NY. 1990 [Audiocassette also available] ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: V.3. CONSERVATIVE HISTORY [Ben48] Bentwich, Norman. _Solomon Schechter_. Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia PA. 1948. [Dav63] Davis, Moshe. _The Emergence of Conservative Judaism_. Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia PA. 1963. [Dor77] Dorff, Eliot M. _Conservative Judaism_. United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism, New York. 1977. [Gil93] Gillman, Neil. _Conservative Judaism: The New Century_. Behrman House. 1993. [Kar64] Karp, Abraham J. _A History of the United Synagoges of America: 1913-1963_, United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism, New York. 1964. [Par64] Parzen, Herbert. _Architects of Conservative Judaism_ Jonathan David, New York. 1964. ------------------------------------------------------------ Subject: V.4. CONSERVATIVE LITURGY [Gol78] Golinkin, Noah. Shalom Aleichem - Learn to read the Hebrew Prayerbook!, Hebrew Publishing Company, Brooklyn, NY 1978 [This book and a Teacher's Guide are available from the FJMC] [Gol81] Golinkin, Noah. Ayn Keloheynu - Learn to comprehend the Hebrew Prayerbook in a new way. Sheingold Publishers, New York, NY 1981 [This is a sequel to Shalom Aleichem, and also has a teacher's Guide, and is available from the FJMC.] [RAA75] Rabbinical Assembly. _Machzor for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur_. Rabbinical Assembly, New York. 1975. [RAA85] Rabbinical Assembly. _Siddur Sim Shalom_. Rabbinical Assembly and United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism, New York. 1985. [RAA65] Harlow, Jules Ed. _Liqqutei Tefillah: The Rabbis Manual_. Rabbinical Assembly, New York. 1965. [RAA64] Rabbinical Assembly. _(Sabbath Prayers) Seder Tefilot Yisra'el LeShabbat Uleshalosh Regalim_. Rabbinical Assembly and United Synagogues of Conservative Judaism. 1964. [RAA62] Rabbinical Assembly. _Weekday Prayer Book: Tefillot Liyemoth Hol_. Rabbinical Assembly, New York. 1962. [Rab82] Rabinowicz, Rachel (ed.). _Passover Haggadah: The Feast of Freedom_ Rabbinical Assembly. 1982 (2d ed.) [also used by many Orthodox and Reform Jews because of its combination of learning and accessibility with a useful lay-out] [???] _The Shabbat Morning Torah Service Video Tape_. The Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, Inc. This VHS tape, with accompanying User's Guide, Glossary, and Torah Blessings Card is a great TEACHING tool for people unfamiliar with the procedures of the Torah Service, such as people asked to participate at a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Please mail additions or corrections to me at End of Judaism Reading List Part V (Conservative) Digest ************************** ------- -- [W]:The Aerospace Corp. M1/055 * POB 92957 * LA, CA 90009-2957 * 310/336-8228 [Email] [Vmail]:310/336-5454 Box#13149 "And as they say, the rest is compost"