Archive-name: ForthFaq/WhatIsForth Last-modified: 30.Jan.93 Version: 1.2 What is Forth? ------------------------------------------------------------ Philip J. Koopman Jr. United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT This description is copyright 1993 by ACM, and was developed for the Second History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-II), Boston MA. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted, provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its data appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. ------------------------------------------------------------ A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO FORTH ----------------------------- Forth is both an extensible language and an interactive program development methodology. Originally developed for small embedded control mini- and micro-computers, Forth seems to have been implemented on every major processor manufactured. It has been used in a wide variety of applications, including spreadsheets, expert systems, and multi-user databases. TWO-STACK ABSTRACT MACHINE At the most superficial level, Forth is a directly executable language for a stack-based abstract machine. In its essential form, the Forth abstract machine has a program counter, memory, ALU, data evaluation pushdown stack, and subroutine return address pushdown stack. Data evaluation in Forth is accomplished on the Data Stack using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), also called postfix notation. For example, the following sequence typed from the keyboard: 3 4 + 5 * . __35 ok__ interactively pushes the value 3 on the stack, pushes the value 4 on top of the 3, destructively adds 3 and 4 to get 7, then multiplies by 5. The . operation displays the single resultant top value on the stack, 35 (computer output is underlined). "ok" is the Forth command prompt. Operations such as SWAP and DUP (duplicate) reorder and replicate the top few Data Stack elements. FACTORING At a deeper level, Forth programs use RPN not as an end in itself, but rather as a means to achieve simple syntax and flexible modularity. Small, simple programs to perform complex functions are written by reusing common code sequences through a programming practice known as factoring. Subroutine calls and returns are an important part of Forth programs and the factoring process. As an example, consider the following function (called a word in Forth) which computes the sum of squares of two integers on top of the Data Stack and returns the result on the Data Stack: : SUM-OF-SQUARES ( a b -- c ) DUP * SWAP DUP * + ; The Data Stack inputs to the word at run-time are two integers a and b. The Data Stack output is a single integer c. The : denotes a function definition with the name SUM- OF-SQUARES. The ; terminates the definition. Comments are enclosed in parentheses. This example follows the Forth convention of including a stack-effect comment showing that a (the second stack element) and b (the top stack element) are consumed as stack inputs, with c produced as the stack output. By the process of factoring, the example program would be re-written in Forth using a new definition (a factor) called SQUARED to allow sharing the common function of duplicating and multiplying a number on the Data Stack. The separation of the Return Stack from the Data Stack in the abstract machine allows the values on the Data Stack to be cleanly passed down through multiple levels of subroutine calls without run-time overhead. In this new version, Data Stack elements are implicitly passed as parameters from SUM- OF-SQUARES to SQUARED: : SQUARED ( n -- n**2 ) DUP * ; : SUM-OF-SQUARES ( a b -- c ) SQUARED SWAP SQUARED + ; Good Forth programmers strive to write programs containing very short (often one-line), well-named word definitions and reused factored code segments. The ability to pick just the right name for a word is a prized talent. Factoring is so important that it is common for a Forth program to have more subroutine calls than stack operations. Factoring also simplifies speed optimization via replacing commonly used factors with assembly language definitions. In the preceding example, SQUARED could be re-written in assembly language for speed while maintaining the same stack effects. Writing a Forth program is equivalent to extending the language to include all functions needed to implement an application. Therefore, programming in Forth may be thought of as creating an application-specific language extension. This paradigm, when coupled with a very quick edit/compile/test cycle, seems to significantly increase productivity. As each Forth word is written, it can be tested from the keyboard for immediate programmer feedback. For example, the definitions above could be summarily tested with: 3 SQUARED . __9 ok__ 3 4 SUM-OF-SQUARES . __25 ok__ INTERPRETATION, COMPILATION AND EXECUTION Forth systems use two levels of interpretation: a text interpreter and an address interpreter. When accepting keyboard or file-based input, the text interpreter extracts whitespace-separated character strings. In interpretation mode it attempts to execute the corresponding words (numeric input is trapped and converted as a special case). : is a word like any other, but creates a new dictionary entry containing the word name (symbol) and places the text interpreter into compilation mode. While in compilation mode, most words extracted from the input stream are compiled to a pointer to the word's definition in the dictionary instead of being executed. A compiled Forth program is a collection of words, each of which contains a statically allocated list of pointers to other words. Ultimately the pointers lead to assembly language primitives, some of which are typically user- written. The Forth address interpreter is used to execute compiled words, classically using threaded code techniques. The Forth text interpreter, while not used in executing compiled programs, is often included in applications as the basis of a command-line user interface. Forth systems use one-pass compilation. There is no explicit Forth parser (and, for practical purposes, no formal grammar). Control flow words have a special immediate attribute, and are executed immediately even when the text interpreter is in compilation mode. Immediate words, when executed, typically cause compilation of special structures. For example, IF compiles a branch conditional upon the top runtime Data Stack value, and the matching THEN (the "endif" word) back-patches the branch target address. Users can readily create their own immediate words, thus extending the compiler by adding new control flow structures or other language features. Data structures are created by another special class of words: defining words. Defining words have two parts: the CREATE clause creates the dictionary entry for the data structure instance, while the DOES> clause is a definition shared by all data structures created by that defining word. For example, an array defining word creates a named array and reserves storage with its CREATE clause, and computes an address (given indices) in its DOES> clause. Defining words are commonly used to hide data structure implementations and to create families of similar words. Forth programmers traditionally value complete understanding and control over the machine and their programming environment. Therefore, what Forth compilers don't do reveals something about the language and its use. Type checking, macro preprocessing, common subexpression elimination, and other traditional compiler services are feasible, but not included in production Forth compilers. This simplicity allows Forth development systems to be small enough to fit in the on-chip ROM of an 8-bit microcontroller. On the other hand, Forth's extensibility allows "full-featured" systems to consume over 100K bytes and provide comprehensive window-based programming environments. Forth also allows (and often encourages) programmers to completely understand the entire compiler and run-time system. Forth supports extremely flexible and productive application development while making ultimate control of both the language and hardware easily attainable. Philip J. Koopman Jr. United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT This description is copyright 1993 by ACM, and was developed for the Second History of Programming Languages Conference (HOPL-II), Boston MA. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted, provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its data appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission. --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses: Internet: Usenet: ...!uunet!!dwp GEnie: D.PHILIPS3