Archive-name: ForthFaq/MAC Last-modified: 26.May.93 Version: 1.3 Where can I find a Forth for the MAC? From: wmb@Eng.Sun.COM (Mitch Bradley) Subject: Re: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (version 1.2) Date: 19 Apr 91 14:13:49 PDT (Fri) Forthmacs by Bradley Forthware is also available for the Macintosh. This is the same Forth that is the basis of Sun's Open Boot firmware. Macintosh Forthmacs costs $50 for working disk+manual, and $50 extra for source code. Forthmacs is available for the following machines: Atari ST, Macintosh (I and II), OS-9, Sun (680x0 and SPARC), NeXT. Mitch Bradley, wmb@Eng.Sun.COM Date: Fri, 14 May 93 07:45:07 EST From: (Michael Hore) Mach2 is now defunct. Palo Alto Shipping are no longer supporting it. I think the only commercial Forth for the Mac is MacForth, from Creative Solutions. Yerk and Mops are probably worth a mention, since although PD, they are derived from a former commercial product (Neon), and so are large, and capable of full-scale development. They are being kept fully up to date with the latest Macs and systems. Mops has an ANSI prologue, intended to give ANSI compliance. Both are available for ftp from Pocket Forth is also worth a mention, as a very good quality small-scale PD Forth. It may also be worth checking if Mitch Bradley's Forthmacs is still being supported for the Mac -- I haven't seen it myself, or heard of anyone else using it. Maybe I just haven't been listening in the right places. But as Apple's system keeps developing, if something isn't actively kept up to date, it can lose its usefulness very quickly. Mike Hore Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 00:09:27 -0700 From: Scott Squires Creative Solutions 4701 Randolph Road, Suite 12 Rockville, Maryland 20852 (301) 984-0262 Orders 1-800-FORTH-OK On CompuServe 'GO FORTH' at prompt to Forth SIG sponsored by Creative Solutions. They're also on AppleLink but I don't have an address. MacForth is a complete programming system for the Mac with support for just about all Mac toolbox routines. Floating point, graphics, assembler, GUI, etc. all supported. Ability to make snapshot versions of applications (save version with your code/extensions added in a working environment). Ability to make turnkeys where the vocabulary is removed. Standalone code generation is supported for creating CDEVs, Desk Accesories, Plug-Ins, cdefs, etc. Source code editing in interactive text editor (full source included). Type in code, execute, display results directly in your text file if desired. Object Oriented extensions included. Tools Disks available and on-line code/support available on CompuServe. Hot Line phone support available as well. System 7 supported. [In addition, there are several PD/Shareware MAC Forth's available on many BBoard systems and other libraries. See FAQ Parts 10 and 11 for more info on BBoard and library access. -dwp] --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses: Internet: Usenet: ...!uunet!!dwp GEnie: D.PHILIPS3