Archive-name: ForthFaq/ProgBBSInfo Last-modified: 05.Jun.93 Version: 1.3 [This is a message that I thought deserved to be preserved. I invite Mr. Peters or other principles to provide updates to replace this message. -dwp] Message-Id: Date: Sat, 5 Jun 93 00:09 PDT From: pitt!!wet!jpeters (John A. Peters) Subject: Prog BBS update as requested Mod date is: May 23, 1993 PROGRAMMABLE BBS: PURPOSE 1) To create, modify, and support an electronic media based Forth resource where "iterative improvements" to both the program and the data are the primary purpose. This Forth resource will be modifiable and reprogrammable by FIG members and other callers, in response to each callers personally perceived needs for easy, efficient, active, pleasant, entertaining, educational, business and recreational access to information, especially information concerning the Programming Language Forth. 2) To empower and challenge programmers by offering to down load the actual source files for the program that is in use when the BBS is called. 3) To collect a database of forth words. Each record entry shall contain data supplied either by the author or those who use the forth word. The interface shall be modified, improved and simplified in such a way that anyone reading the data will be seduced in to adding, improving and correcting the readability of the data. (Hint: off line reader/responder/auto-up loader) The data in each record (file or BBS message) shall concentrate on all aspects of a single forth word. Common fields are those items of information normally found on a 3 x 5 file card in a card catalogue. Additional information will be requested via a template. I want to collect stories of historical interest as well as reviews, user testimonials and comments as to usefulness and clarity of the word along with examples of practical use. The vision: A BBS answers via a front door and presents a menu of several programs. By picking one of the Forth based BBSes the caller will execute a program uploaded by one of the volunteer supporters. If there is a problem with the volunteer supported program the caller will be asked to leave comments and suggestions or bug reports. An activity log will be maintained for all to access that will enable one to see who else is interested in each particular version of experimental BBS. This enables the volunteer author to call his users and ask for more information. PAYBACK: In the future we can offer support for developers. We might provide accounting services and offer royalties to authors and programmers who want to follow the share ware model. Income might accrue if we were to track the use of words in an application in the same way song writers are rewarded by tracking each play over the air. At the least, those who created the early versions of Forth, might like to know their words are still in use, whether or not they have need for monetary support. ---------------------------------------- Here are examples of programs I want to promote. I hope each one will either be coded in Forth or have Forth information as it's principal data content. EXAMPLE CATEGORIES: Interactive Forth Language databases. Live Forth Language application programs. A "Card Catalogue" of Forth Words and sources. See also pointers to Educational programs. Quick start articles. (Usenet, Genie use etc) Reports on the state of the art. Committee reports. Chapter Meeting announcements. Historical documents Interviews with successful Forth programmers. Hyper text Indexes of Forth articles. Reviews and test results of commercial and PD Forths. Tutorial course materials. Minutes of chapter meetings. Help wanted programmer. Work wanted programmer. Frequently asked Question files. Best of Genie reprints. Unpublished articles for proof reader comments. Questionnaires. As the system will provide callers and users with the ability to modify and improve the online system that they are interacting with, after a few years of iteration, the ultimate result may be an Electronic Mail System that is more useful, friendly, intuitive and generally more popular and highly rated than any other E-Mail system. Won't that be nice for recognition of Forth! REPORT: We are using our single line system to test the concept. Later a multi line system will eliminate busy signals in exchange for a slightly slower response time in peak periods. The caller will be able to down load the forth source and make modifications at his leisure. When improved source is uploaded it will be available for audit by the remote system administrators. It can then be setup on a new menu entry. Callers can try it out and leave comments for the authors. In the same way the source to the newer version can be down loaded for further study and improvement. By using the LRU (least recently used) formula, the most used and more popular programs will remain highest on the menu the longest. Currently I know of no Electronic Mail system that provides source to the caller for modification. Normally if you wish to modify a system, you are stuck with making a suggestion for addition to the list that the system operator keeps. The start of the above system is now on line at Programmable BBS (415) 892-1543 24 hours and 7 days. This article is by John Peters 415-239-5393 voice. Don't just sit there, call it, or phone me and shoot the bull and make some suggestions. P.S. Presently 5-23-93 the bbs is on line as a free ware version of WildCat without the .QWK abilities (off line mail reading). There are about 50 messages now, but it is a start. Levi Allen is our system administrator as well as our sponsor for the hardware. The Berkeley Forth Interest Group paid for the installation of the phone line. So far Levi has not asked the group to pay the monthly phone or electricity bill am told. There is room for your input, files and messages and it is currently bullet proof. If you want to you can call Levi on his voice line to arrange for a password that will give approved volunteers the ability to drop to DOS remotely. This option is offered so you can help with improvements by moving files and making better directories, improve the bulletins etc. LAST MINUTE REPORT 1:15 on Sunday 5-23-93 FIG member Martin Shaaf has reported he mailed disks to me yesterday that include FRONT DOOR and EASY.COM. I have confirmed that this set of programs will provide us with a Net mail echo, a BBS with doors to our Forth BBSes and QWK off line mail reading. I confirmed the QWK mail part with a SysOp named Tim who says he doesn't spend much if any time maintaining the BBS but he does spend lots of tine playing with it. The system is shareware and registers for $50.00 but QWK mail is built in and ready to go even before registration. JP C:\PROJECTS\PROG-BBS.IDA --- If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses: Internet: Usenet: ...!uunet!!dwp GEnie: D.PHILIPS3