Does anybody know when the next version of DOS will be released? Will it be called DOS 6.1 or the more conservative DOS 6.01? Will there also be DOS 6.2 or DOS 6.02? Or just a jump to 7.0? Does anybody know when the Microsoft support-line wait-time will drop below one hour? That does not include the five minutes of time it takes to listen to the commercials and get through the menus. I appreciated Doug Lowe's discussion in the file DBLSPACE.ZIP. It's about 3K. His hammer hits a lot of nails. You otta read it. I hope Doug will take a sledge-hammer, or an ax, or an A-bomb to MEMMAKER. If you ain't moved yet, you might want to wait a while. ******************************************************************** *** A memo to a an associated person from me reads as follows: **** ******************************************************************** There have been press reports that installing DOS 6.0 can cause data loss. I expect that these reports are overblown, but certain precautions should be taken anyway. 1. Create a DOS 5.0 bootable floppy SYS A: (enter) 2. Copy your DOS directory to the floppy COPY C:\DOS\*.* A: (enter) 3. Very important! Copy your autoexec and config files to the floppy COPY C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT A: (enter) COPY C:\CONFIG.SYS A: (enter) 4. Reboot from the floppy to make sure it works {Ctrl}-{Alt}-{Del}, or better yet, the BIG RED, not all reboots are equal! This should protect against absolute disaster, but you may need a little (maybe even a lot) of help to recover. But at least you got the crucial files. There are two DOS 6.0 programs that should be used with some caution: MEMMAKER and DBLSPACE MEMMAKER I haven't been able to make MEMMAKER work! It changes your autoexec and config files -- which is why it is essential that these files be backed-up. DBLSPACE DBLSPACE can effectively double or even triple your disk space. I have installed it on two of my five logical disks. It seems to work seemlessly. I plan to do the other drives as well after a satisfactory honeymoon. This in contrast to STACKER, a third-party program that claims to do the same thing. I installed STACKER and got rid of it as fast as possible. DOS 6.0 is a major upgrade and new programs will take advantage of the new commands, so it is important to stay current. Unless you're in need of more memory or more disk space, you might be well- advised to let MEMMAKER and DBLSPACE "age" a while, like a good wine. Installation of the basic DOS 6.0 takes about 20 minutes. ***** Follow-up memos were much simpler: "JUST WAIT". *****